Missional Map-Making: Skills for Leading in Times of Transition

Missional Map-Making: Skills for Leading in Times of Transition

by Alan J. Roxburgh

No amount of internal enhancement will result in a church’s ability to engage the changing context, because the people living in these neighborhoods are less and less prepared to go to a church. The purpose of map-making is to assist the people of a church in discovering that they need to attend to the environment in their neighborhoods even more than in their churches. (p.183)

Roxburgh lists eight forces that are reshaping our world and making our old maps for doing church irrelevant. These are globalism, pluralism, rapid technological change, postmodernism, staggering global need, loss of confidence on primary structures, the democratization of knowledge, and a return to Romanticism. The world around us is in the midst of a huge shift, but often the church continues to operate as if nothing has really changed. As a result we have become increasingly ineffective in reaching people outside the church. Roxburgh proposes strategies that will help us regain our bearings as leaders.

Assess How the Environment Has Changed in Your Context.

I needed a different imagination for what it means to be a church in a community and what it means to lead in such a church. One of the things this growing realization meant was that it would be possible to be a faithful community of God’s people only by reengaging the neighborhoods and communities where we live and learning to ask what was happening among the people of the neighborhood, attending to their stories, and cultivating receptiveness to being surprised by what God might already be up to among all these people who aren’t thinking about church or even God. (p.132)

Focus on Redeveloping a Core Identity.

We live in a social context where coherent frameworks of religious and ethical meaning are collapsing, and in response, people form their religious and ethic commitments from bits of this and that…one of the most critical leadership skills is the capacity to cultivate an environment that the enables the reforming of Christian life around the core identity of the Christian narrative. Leaders must create an…

environment in which people [are] wrestling with Scripture rather than taking notes about dates and times and meanings and predetermined answers. This is about giving the Bible back to the people of God in the conviction that they can hear the Spirit in the midst of this wrestling…

In Protestantism, the great bulk of the emphasis on formation has been placed on the teaching and preaching roles of the pastor. But as important as they are, these roles largely omit the most critical element of transformation in the early church: learning and living a new set of habits and practices…This cultivation of our DNA is one of the core leadership activities needed at this moment in time. (pp.132-142)

Create a Parallel Culture.

Although counterintuitive to the modern, Western imagination, it is the daily application of practices, not great ideas or big ideals (preaching and teaching doctrine), that reformulates the DNA of a community and changes our reality…

We have just lived through a long period of the church’s history in the West when we simply assumed that most people were Christians; we assumed that just by the fact of living in this culture, we were formed as Christians. Most of us now realize that it was never quite like that and that we have lost the habits and skills of Christian formation…(p.150)

Practicing the Offices – Reading and Meditation on Scripture and Prayer

In the practice of the offices, we remind ourselves and each other of the cost of our commitment to following God; corporately, we learn to discern how we crowd out the Lordship of Christ, which should be the one essential focus for our lives as a people. (p.153)

Practicing Hospitality

Hospitality, a profoundly Christian habit, is a radically alternative practice in a culture where people feel like strangers to one another in their own neighborhoods and where we are too often turned into commodities that others want to use in order to sell their goods…People no longer know one another in our society. Trust is low, and fear of the stranger is high…Welcoming the stranger is a revolutionary act in the formation of a parallel culture…

Hospitality forces us to confront the ways our lives are driven by agendas and demands that push away relational encounters with others…Creating a gracious table does not include an agenda to “convert” the stranger but to create space to listen to the stranger, nothing more…In the practice of hospitality, we confront our own need for conversion to the Gospel of the Kingdom. (pp.154-157)

Receiving the Poor

I suspect that it will be very difficult to become map-makers in this new space without habits directed toward overcoming our isolation from those who are pushed to the bottom…Unfortunately, affluence often makes it hard to embrace the parallel culture of the kingdom…Economic discipleship is not a side conversation for the Christian. How might we engage the ways we are held captive by values that block our ability to live more fully as kingdom people? How might we discover ways of being God’s people that involve economic accountability and sharing?…Simply giving money to the church does not address the question of forming communities of the kingdom where people grow in their awareness of the economic powers controlling their lives…

Cultivating a missional environment calls for the practice of nurturing a listening friendship with someone outside one’s own economic world, which goes beyond taking on people as a project or volunteering at a rescue mission. (pp.158-159)

Form partnerships with the surrounding neighborhoods and communities.

The imagination for what a local community of Christians might be doing in their neighborhoods is found among the people themselves, not in programs designed for another era or deemed by leaders as essential to the inner life of a church…This is why the role of leadership is that of cultivator rather than program planner, a shaper of dialogues rather than a cheerleader for established programs…

Mission-shaped leaders create environments of permission-giving and experimenting in which these ordinary dreams might be birthed…

But to cultivate missional environments, leaders must learn how to attend to information, understand its power, and develop the capacity to help congregations to interpret and filter it in the light of their commitments…knowing how to help people reflect on information within the biblical narrative…[this] can be achieved only when the leader moves away from the need to promote strategies and visions and becomes present to the people…It will be out of these interactions [with the people in the congregation] that people will start to tentatively name experiments they would like to test in being God’s missionary people in the community… The great reality of the church is that by the Spirit, God’s imagination for the future is already among God’s people, an so the work of leadership is in the cultivation of the environment that will allow this imagination to gather energy…There is a place for certain forms of strategic planning, but these are now found not at the beginning or coming from the center, but toward the end as people initiate experiments in mission…[giving] a careful delineation of how the mission will be carried out…This means that strategic planning happens at a micro-level across the diffuse and dispersed experiments being conducted in the neighborhoods. The people themselves are taking on the responsibilities of strategic planning.

Leaders can be available to assist and facilitate, connecting people with resources and so on…as mission emerges, as groups of people start to gather and shape the ways they will engage their context in witness and with kingdom life, there is a need for some strategic planning…leadership skills required are not about command and control but the continual encouragement, cultivation, and support of people. (pp.170-181)

I have been part of a leadership team at LifeNet that has been trying to implement such thinking, but let me assure you that the old ways of doing things runs deep. The Holy Spirit is working in his people, but we must be in this for the long haul. Nothing of this magnitude happens quickly.

Missional: Joining God in the Neighborhood

Missional: Joining God in the Neighborhood

by Alan J. Roxburgh

While sitting in a coffee shop filled with people one Sunday morning, Roxburgh asked himself the question:

How might we create the kinds of safe spaces where the real stories shaping people’s lives become the ones we own and address in our churches? How do we do church better on Sunday so that it is more relevant to where these people are? How do we get these people in the coffee shop to church on Sunday? Then I realized my questions were all wrong. (p.25)

He goes on to make the observation:

“A problem we face is that since the sixteenth century our questions have been shaped by the Reformation…the Reformation resulted in a focus that still controls our imagination – a focus on church questions that are no longer helpful in the missionary situation that confronts us. (p.27)

Roxburgh identifies the period between 1970 and 2000 as a time when the church rationalized technical success while the culture was shifting around them. It was an era of religious winners and losers as evangelicals and charismatics won the culture wars in terms of growth. The primary approach to the emerging cultural upheaval of post-modernism was to adjust, renew and fix the church through such movements as church growth, church effectiveness, and church health. (p.47)

In the 1990’s people began to dialogue about becoming missional, with its three-way dialogue between the church, the culture and the gospel. Roxburgh tells the parable of three long time friends who reunite after years apart. Rather than it being a time of mutual sharing, one friend is totally consumed with his own needs and desires, much to the disappointment of the other two, who soon go home saddened by the encounter. Later the author explains the three friends are the culture, the gospel, and the church, with the church being the self-centered one who tries to mine the other two for whatever can help make him more successful, rather than being truly interested in them. The church has become self-centered and infested with consumerism, careerism, and individualism. The church has studied the culture to design the best marketing strategies with which to lure people into attractional services.

The second part of the book shows how Luke wrote his gospel and the companion work  Acts to a generation of Christians who had somewhat lost its mooring following the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple and who were in the midst of intensifying persecution from the Romans. Roxburgh claims that Luke Chapter 10 takes us on a

“journey that moves from a primary focus on the church to the place of making the church work again in the neighborhoods and communities where we live so we can ask what God is already doing ahead of us in these ordinary places.” (p.71)

Scripture proposes a way of being in the world that attends to the concreteness of everyday life rather than romanticized idealizations of what the church or the culture ought to be…The world the biblical texts propose is not about the selling or marketing of a product but the re-forming of a world in the midst of the ordinary…the God of Scripture is known in the ordinary and the everyday. (p.77)

Roxburgh writes:

Our situation in North America today can be seen as very similar. For many of us the promises and expectations of the gospel seem to have failed. Just as Luke does not offer the Gentile Christians forms of adjustment, so our own crisis of meaning as Christians will not be addressed with one more set of tactics. Much of what is being offered today as “missional” are tactics for making the church more successful or effective…the need of our time is to allow the story of what God is doing in the world to reform us all over again in a different way. (p.89)

Still shaped by a Eurocentric Reformation, Christians in North America address a deepening identity crisis by continuing to wrestle with fundamentally ecclesiocentric questions about how to make the church work in the midst of cultural space of multiple narratives where the dominance of a settled, denominational, Eurocentric ecclesiology has less and less relevance. (p.100)

Luke will show that the issue is not God’s faithfulness but the narrow ways in which the gospel had been understood. (p.115)

God’s Spirit is breaking the boundaries of ecclesial life in the Western churches because they can no longer contain the ways in which the spirit is at work in the world. (p.118)

For Roxburgh, “the narrative begins in the context of discipleship” which is

“more radical than anything anyone has imagined. It is not about fixing or adjusting small areas of one’s life…it will probably not align with our expectations or fit with the categories of meaning that have shaped us to this point in our lives.” (p.121)

There are going to be lots of people who want to follow the Jesus movement as long as it fits with their settled assumptions of how things should turn out. But when the directions Jesus takes diverge from the expectations of what God is doing in the world, resistance is prompt and fierce. (p.122)

Roxburgh says that another main point Luke makes in Chapter 10 of his gospel is that we must leave our baggage behind. They were not to take a lot of baggage with them on their journey. In essence they were not to depend on their own resources…

the mission of God moves forward in the world when disciples of Jesus choose to become strangers in the towns and villages so they will be dependent on the hosts.  It appears there is a connection between being in the place of the stranger in need and being able to discern God’s working in the world. (p.124)

By this Roxburgh means that we must become listeners and learners, rather than people with set plans and all the answers.

Unless we release such baggage, we objectify people…we can’t listen to the person who stands before us as a human being – he or she is the object of our plans. (p.126)

We cannot ask the questions of what God is up to in our neighborhoods and communities when we think we already know…The language house of Eurocentric churches cannot provide the dominant story for being God’s people in a post-Christendom, globalizing world. (p.127)

Luke’s vigorous counternarrative…says that the mission is still central but not in the ways anticipated. (p.127)

The overall sense of this story is that Jesus sends his followers out on a counterintuitive journey of mission for the sake of the kingdom. (p.128)

It is among ordinary men and women, whose names will not be recorded or remembered, that God shapes a future. (p.129)

Roxburgh sets out a set of new practices for the church in the post-modern world that are derived from Luke Chapter 10. They revolve around the call to enter the homes and lives of the people who live around us. It is about

“entering deeply into the life of the other on his or her terms, not your own – eat what is set before you.”…This is where we are invited to plant ourselves in the local, having a commitment to the long haul. (p.140)

Our calling is to enter into their homes (dwell with and among them) and stay with them for quite a period of time without any plans to walk off if they or their ways don’t suit us. (p.141)

It is our honor to be welcomed to someone’s table…Luke is saying that one of the primary places where disciples should interact with others is at the table of the others. (p.143)

The Spirit is out there ahead of us, inviting us to listen to the creation groaning in our neighborhoods. Only in the willingness to risk this entering, dwelling, eating, and listening will we stand a chance as the church to bring the embodied Jesus to the world. (p.150)

Jesus’ work is about being sent out, about leaving places of familiarity, control, and security. (p.155)

The Lord of creation is out there ahead of us; he has left the temple and is calling the church to follow in a risky path of leaving behind its baggage, becoming like the stranger in need, and receiving hospitality from the very ones we assume are the candidates for our evangelism plans…the only way we can understand and practice again this kingdom message is by getting out of our churches and reentering our neighborhoods and communities. (p.162)

Roxburgh ends his book by enumerating ten rules for radicals and giving some practical suggestions for beginning this sort of ministry in the local church. I found this book to be deeply insightful and definitely worth the read.

Leading Missional Communities

Leading Missional Communities

by Mike Breen

Mike Breen has put together a wonderfully practical  book full of sound biblical principles and real life experiences to assist leaders of missional communities (MCs) in the challenging endeavor to reshape the church around better fulfilling the Great Commission. This summary will give you some of the highlights from the various chapters, which will hopefully whet your appetite to read the entire book.

Part One: Foundations for MCs

Chapter One: Understanding MCs and Oikos

Our commission is to compassionately reach out to those around us, invite them to join us in community, share the story of the gospel, make disciples, and gather them into families to follow Jesus together. That’s really what starting an MC is all about. This is not a fad or the latest church growth technique or a new name for cell groups. It is rediscovering the church as oikos, an extended family on mission where everyone contributes and everyone is supported. So, it isn’t that MCs aren’t important. They are, and that’s why we wrote this book.

But MCs are simply the initial vehicle we learn to drive that gets us to the real destination: learning to live as oikos, extended families functioning together on mission with God.

MCs are the training wheels that teach us how to ride the bike of oikos. They are the scaffolding that allows us to rebuild the household of oikos. MCs are the cocoon that allows the butterfly of oikos to emerge… We believe oikos is something the Spirit of God is doing in this time to restore the church’s ability to function fruitfully in discipleship and mission the way the early church did, publicly living out our faith in the various neighborhoods and relational networks of our cities.

We firmly believe this is the make-or-break issue for the Western church. We simply will not see God’s dream for the world come true unless we learn how to function as extended families on mission.(Breen, Mike. Leading Missional Communities (Kindle Locations 122-134). 3DM. Kindle Edition. Emphasis is mine.)

Breen defines a missional community as follows.

A Missional Community is a group of approximately 20 to 40 people who are seeking to reach a particular neighborhood or network of relationships with the good news of Jesus. The group functions as a flexible, local expression of the church and has the expressed intention of seeing those they are in relationship with become followers of Jesus with them. They exist to see God’s Kingdom come to their friends and neighbors. The result is usually the growth of the MC (as people become followers of Jesus and join them) and then the multiplication of new MCs (as people are trained to lead within the MC and then are sent out to start new MCs). They are networked within a larger church community, allowing for a “scattered” and “gathered” expression of church. (Kindle Locations 149-155)

As an aside, Life Community Network (dba LifeNet), where I pastor, is pioneering this church model in our area. Presently we are rather small but have a vision to expand the number of life communities as God enables us. We gather once a month as a network and scatter the other weeks into our small groups.

Missional vision is focused on sharing the good news of Jesus and making disciples among the people of a specific neighborhood or network of relationships. A neighborhood-focused MC centers on serving and bringing the good news of Jesus to the people who live or work in a particular geographic area (e.g., a housing subdivision or a few blocks of streets). A network-focused MC seeks to serve and bring the good news of Jesus to the people within a particular network of relationships (e.g., a sports club, creative professionals, a hobby group, a business community, students, a subculture in the city, etc.)…

The MC emphasizes living among and working with the people or place they are seeking to impact. This “incarnational principle” helps prevent MCs from becoming a series of service projects performed by people who are disconnected relationally from those they are serving.(Kindle Locations 184-193)

Chapter Two: Communities of Discipleship

The first principle is that you’ll need to build a discipling culture at the heart of your MC if it is going to be fruitful long-term… What do we mean by a discipling culture? … A discipling culture simply means that making disciples of Jesus is what is always happening in your MC. The Great Commission is to make disciples. Jesus says that he will build his church, (2) and our task is to make disciples. (3) Sometimes we get this backward and think that if we can figure how to build the church, then the end result will be disciples. But it actually works the other way around: We make disciples, and Jesus builds his church. Thus, the culture and mindset we want to build in our MCs is a discipling culture, where people understand clearly that we are called to both be and make disciples of Jesus. Making disciples of Jesus is what is always happening in your MC.

This means that within an MC, we are learning to trust and follow Jesus in every area of our lives, growing to become more and more like him in our character (who we are) and competency (what we can do). As we do this, we invite others to share this life of discipleship with us, growing in expectation that God’s Kingdom will break into every area of our lives.

We cultivate an identity as a “sent” people, missionaries to whatever sphere of influence or context we find ourselves in. As we truly make disciples (people who are becoming the same kind of person as Jesus was and doing the things he did), evangelism becomes a kind of overflow of our life of discipleship, rather than a program or event. Instead of feeling forced or contrived, evangelism will feel natural as people are drawn in by the fruit they see in our community.

A discipling culture is about encouraging and cultivating the development of a missional lifestyle (faith at the center of everything we do) rather than missional events (faith at the center of events we organize).(Kindle Locations 250-272)

Chapter Three: Communities of Good News

How does this understanding of the gospel play out, then? …our foundational understanding of Scripture is rooted in the two over-arching themes of Covenant and Kingdom. Right at the beginning of Genesis and all the way through to Revelation, we are called into a relationship with God (Covenant) and the responsibility of representing him to others (Kingdom)… When we look at the life of Jesus, we see him build a discipling culture by bringing to those who followed him an invitation to a Covenant relationship and a challenge to join God in the mission of the Kingdom.

As people engaged in this amazing relationship with Jesus and the adventure of the Kingdom mission, the natural outcome was that the disciples became a dynamic community on mission… Breen, Mike. Leading Missional Communities (Kindle Locations 383-390). 3DM. Kindle Edition.

The author uses a picture to illustrate some of what is related to covenant and kingdom. As members of the covenant family we are in relationship with God and one another. We have a responsibility to invite others through the Gospel to enjoy the same covenant privileges as we enjoy. This is when the covenant community becomes a missional community.

Chapter Four: Finding the Person of Peace

A third foundational principle is understanding and practicing Jesus’ Person of Peace strategy for evangelism, and letting the rhythm of your MC flow from your relationships with the People of Peace you find. It is difficult to overstate how important this is. Jesus lays out this strategy in Luke 10: 1-16, instructing 72 disciples in how to prepare people in the towns and villages he was about to visit. A central part of his strategy was for them to center their ministry around a Person of Peace (translated “a person who promotes peace” in the NIV). The Person of Peace was someone who welcomed these disciples of Jesus into his or her home, was open to the message they were bringing, and served them. (Kindle Locations 520-525)

The thing about the Person of Peace strategy is that it’s not simply pragmatic. That is, it’s not just a convenient way to find people to disciple. It’s actually a way of noticing what God is already doing in your mission context. Here’s why: A Person of Peace isn’t just someone who likes you. Jesus told us, “Whoever listens to you listens to me,” so, if we are representing Jesus, these are people who are actually showing us that they are interested in Jesus!

They are people in whom God has already been working, preparing their hearts for the good news of Jesus. So we “stay with them” because, in doing so, we are joining in with what God is doing in their lives, cooperating with the Holy Spirit.

Finding a Person of Peace means discovering where God is already at work in the neighborhood or network of relationships you’re seeking to reach. The first step is always to identify the People of Peace in whatever neighborhood or network we are seeking to reach. Then, we “stay there,” as Jesus said, finding ways to intentionally spend time as a community with these People of Peace, sensitively exposing them to various “Kingdom experiences” (joy in community, kindness, service, fun, testimonies of God’s work in our lives, meals together, prayer and worship times, etc.). You simply invite them into what you’re doing as a community. (Kindle Locations 537-547)

Chapter Five: Both Organized and Organic

Families exist along a continuum of the organized and the organic, the structured and the spontaneous aspects of life together… It would be odd for a family member to attend only the dinner and leave immediately afterward if no official activities were scheduled. Likewise, it would be odd for someone to skip Thanksgiving dinner because he or she were tired or just didn’t feel like coming. Being part of a family involves a commitment to the structured and the spontaneous elements of the family’s life together. The structured times inform and feed off the spontaneous times, and vice versa. If the structured events didn’t happen, the spontaneous interactions wouldn’t be as rich. If the spontaneous stuff wasn’t happening, the structured events would eventually feel like a chore.

Families need the organized and the organic to create the texture of life together. MCs should have the same texture, the same balance of organized and organic elements, so they become places where people experience being an extended family on mission. (Kindle Locations 617-632)

Part Two: Leading MCs

Chapters Six through Eight give some practical advice on how to successfully lead missional communities. Chapter Six focuses on the importance of vision and prayer. Chapter Seven gives three examples of how missional communities can work. These are not prescriptive; rather, they are meant to inspire. Chapter Eight focuses on growing and multiplying our groups and missional community. Breen gives five signs of oikos that are helpful.

  1. Eating Together
  2. Playing Together
  3. Going on Mission Together
  4. Praying Together
  5. Sharing Resources

My own experience with leading a missional community is that pursuing oikos is one of our biggest challenges. Our society works against the process. We have become increasingly isolated from one another due to a number of factors, and rebuilding what has been lost will require vision, commitment, and perseverance. Breen writes:

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when thinking about the rhythm of your MC, and because of this, we find that people fall into one of two ditches: They either over-program their MC, making it feel like a series of events, or they don’t meet enough because they don’t want to “burden” people. Ironically, the latter ends up making the MC again feel like a series of events, just less frequent (and poorly attended) ones. Neither ditch actually creates a sense of extended family.(Kindle Locations 944-948)

Leadership development is another large challenge to growth and multiplication. Whereas every person in an MC is discipled to be part of the community on mission, leaders must be discipled more intensely. They have more to learn and more responsibility.

MCs are a great vehicle that gets you to the missional places God is calling you to go, but discipleship is the engine.

This is the pattern of Jesus. He was always training his disciples to do the same things he did. So as you lead, you’re always raising up new leaders. As you engage in mission, you’re always raising up new missionaries. It means always having an eye on training others to do the things we’re learning to do ourselves.

Healthy multiplication happens only if you have quality leaders, and you get quality leaders only by being intentional about raising them up. They don’t get it simply by osmosis— you need to train them.

Having a healthy, accountable leader with vision is the rate-determining step for multiplication. This means that multiplication will never go faster than leadership development. You will never multiply your MC faster than you raise up new leaders who can do what you do. Breen, Mike. Leading Missional Communities (Kindle Locations 1109-1117). 3DM. Kindle Edition.

Part Three: Practical Tips

Chapter Nine gives some reasons why missional communities fail. These are worth studying as a warning us against making common mistakes. Chapter Ten answers some frequently asked questions. One of these, as you might expect, concerns properly working with children.

For MCs that have children involved (which is most of them that we’ve seen), kids are almost always one of the first issues people ask about. What do we do with the kids? How do they fit into this thing we’re doing? The overarching principle to keep in mind here is that MCs are the training wheels that help us ride the bike of oikos; MCs cultivate a sense of being an extended family on mission!

In other words, we’re not trying to plan a slick production— we’re trying to build a family. And families have kids in them.

In a family, sometimes the kids and adults are together doing a “grown-up thing,” such as dinner or evening devotions. Sometimes the kids and adults are together doing a “kid thing,” such as a birthday party or decorating Christmas cookies. And sometimes the kids and adults are doing separate but related things, such as the kids playing games in the basement while the adults talk upstairs after dinner.

The question really shouldn’t be, “How are we going to deal with the kids?” It should be, “How are we going to disciple our kids well?”… We have often been surprised by how deeply the experience of being consistently included in a family on mission imprints itself on a child’s soul. (Kindle Locations 1331-1340 and  1389-1390)

The last thing we want is for our kids to become segregated from the adults and alienated from church life as a result. Our children should be included in as much as they can handle so they will know they are integral to the missional community.

Part Four: Conclusion

Breen reminds the reader that missional communities do not have to achieve “great things;” rather, we are able to focus on doing small things well, just as the early church did. If we concentrate on ministry to people in our neighborhoods and other relational networks, if we deliberately serve those Jesus calls “the least of these my brothers” – the marginalized, the oppressed, the poor, etc, if we focus on loving people, serving them, and sharing the Gospel, these “small things” will become great in the eyes of God.

This is ultimately what starting an MC is all about. As we learn to become an oikos together, our job isn’t to try to do big things. It’s simply to do the small things we see around us with great love, trusting that God will take our small things and all the other small things we don’t see and weave them all together into a tapestry that announces His love for humanity and calls all people to new life under God, who is making everything new. (Kindle Locations 1587-1591)

Generous Justice

Generous Justice

by Timothy Keller

I have read several of Keller’s books. This one is a must read for every Christian whose heart is nudging him or her toward ministry to the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized. I will attempt summarize the book, but I encourage you to read it for yourself.




In Chapter One, citing Micah 6:8, Keller defines biblical justice as care for the vulnerable.

In premodern, agrarian societies, these four groups [widows, orphans, immigrants, and the poor] had no social power. They lived at a subsistence level and were only a few days away from starvation if there were any famine, invasion, or even minor social unrest. Today this quartet would be expanded to include the refugee, the migrant worker, the homeless, and many single parents and elderly people. The mishpat, or justness, of a society, according to the Bible, is evaluated by how it treats these groups. (pp.4-5)

Realize, then, how significant it is that the Biblical writers introduce God as “a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows” (Psalm 68:4-5). This is one of the main things he does in the world. He identifies with the powerless; he takes up their cause. (p.6)

Keller introduces another word for justice from the Old Testament, tzadeqah, which defines the righteous as those who are “right with God and therefore committed to putting right all other relationships in life.” (p10) The two words, mishpat and tzadeqah, are used together over three dozen times. “The English expression that best conveys the meaning is ‘social justice.’” (p.14) Keller then turns to the New Testament to point out that Jesus calls gifts to the poor “acts of righteousness.” (Matthew 6:1-2) Keller concludes that “not giving generously, then, is not stinginess, but unrighteousness, a violation of God’s law.” (p15)

Chapter Two delves more deeply into the the themes of justice in the Old Testament. God gave the Israelites numerous laws “that, if practiced, would have virtually eliminated any permanent underclass.” (p.27) There were laws of release from debt every seven years. Deuteronomy 15:7-8 commands Israelites to “be openhanded and freely lend him [the poor] whatever he needs,” in order to help them reach self-sufficiency. Gleaning laws commanded land owners to leave a certain portion of their crops in the fields so that the poor could work to provide food for themselves. Every third year the tithes were put in public storehouses for the poor and marginalized. (Deut. 14:29) Every fifty years on the year of Jubilee, all debts were forgiven, the land went back to its original owners, and slaves were freed.

Each person or family had at least a once-in-a-lifetime chance to start afresh, no matter how irresponsibly they had handled their finances or how far into debt they had fallen. (p.28)

Keller shows how Paul used Exodus 16:18 as a reference when he wrote 2 Corinthians Chapter Eight. He showed how the Israelites were commanded not to hoard manna, but to share it with those who may not have gathered enough. The idea being that “the money you earn is a gift from God. Therefore the money you make must be shared to build up community. So wealthier believers must share with poorer ones. (p.31) Before you jump to any conclusions, Keller is not a socialist, but shows how the Bible cannot be confined to any one political or economic philosophy.

Keller cites Craig Blomberg’s survey of the Mosaic laws of gleaning, releasing, tithing, and the Jubilee, where he concludes:

“the Biblical attitude toward wealth and possessions does not fit into any of the normal categories of democratic capitalism, or of traditional monarchial feudalism, or of state socialism.” (p.32)

Keller writes:

“One of the main reasons we cannot fit the Bible’s approach into a liberal or conservative economic model is the Scripture’s highly nuanced understanding of the causes of poverty.” (p.33)

Whereas liberals blame social forces beyond the control of the poor and conservatives blame the breakdown of the family, poor character, and bad personal practices, the Bible is more balanced. Oppression is certainly one main reason for poverty, and the rich are blamed when vast disparities exist between the rich and poor. (I will not cite the references here to be as concise as possible.)The author writes:

“the Mosaic legislation was designed to keep the ordinary disparities between the wealthy and the poor from becoming aggravated and extreme.” (p.33)

The Bible also lists natural disasters as a cause of poverty. Some people lack the ability to make wise decisions. Another cause is personal moral failure. “Poverty, therefore, is seen in the Bible as a very complex phenomenon.” (p.34)

In the New Testament, Keller quotes Luke 14:12-13 to show us

“that it is in some respects our duty to give a preference to the poor.” (p.46)

In contrast to the patronage system in existence in Jesus’ day, what Jesus prescribed

“would have looked like economic and social suicide.” (p.47)

Instead of doing favors for the rich and influential, our Lord advised serving those who can do nothing for us.

“Like Isaiah, Jesus taught that a lack of concern for the poor is not a minor lapse, but reveals that something is seriously wrong with one’s spiritual compass, the heart.” (p.51)

The parable of the sheep and goats teaches that our heart and service towards the poor and marginalized reflect our heart and service to Jesus.

Perhaps the best chapter in the book is the fifth, entitled “Why Should We Do Justice?” When we delve down into what really motivates our behavior and values, we discover hidden treasure. It is obvious that mere reason and guilt trips will not change people’s hearts to be more involved with helping the helpless. Keller comes at the “why” from two angles. The first is what he calls “honoring the image,” which is based on creation.

“The image of God carries with it the right to not be mistreated or harmed.” (p.84)

Or to put it another way,

“Because we treasure the owner [God], we honor his house [people].” (p.85)

Using this line of reasoning, we must acknowledge that everything we have came from God and ultimately belongs to God. We are stewards or caretakers of another’s property. Applying the Old Testament principles of mishpat and tzadeqah, we can say, “the righteous [tzaddiq]…are willing to disadvantage themselves to advantage the community; the wicked are willing to disadvantage the community to advantage themselves.” (p.90)

Does this not echo the words of Paul:

You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9 (NLT)

With reference to the gleaning laws, Keller writes:

In God’s view, however, while the poor did not have a right to the ownership of the farmer’s land, they had a right to some of its produce. If the owner did not limit his profits and provide the poor with an opportunity to work for their own benefit in the field, he did not simply deprive the poor of charity, but of justice, of their right. Why? A lack of generosity refuses to acknowledge that your assets are not really yours, but God’s. (p.91)

The second part of the “why” we should do justice is found in our response to grace. The idea here is that none of us deserve God’s grace. Any argument against serving the poor because they don’t deserve our help falls apart in light of this truth. James wrote that to look at a brother or sister without resources and do nothing about it reveals a lifeless kind of faith. (James 2:15-16)

The doctrine of justification is necessary because the demands of the law are so high that none of us can attain to it. God’s commands regarding loving the poor and helpless are so high that we must rely on God’s grace to enable us to fulfill them.“People who come to grasp the gospel of grace and become spiritually poor find their hearts gravitating toward the materially poor. To the degree that the gospel shapes your self-image, you will identify with those in need.” (p.102)

Keller concludes:

“I believe, however, when justice for the poor is connected not to guilt but to grace and to the gospel, this ‘pushes the button’ down deep in believers’ souls, and they begin to wake up.” (p.107)

The last two chapters deal with practical aspects of doing justice individually, as a church, and in partnership with others in the community. The last chapter shows how Jesus identified with the poor and oppressed when he hung upon the cross, penniless and without justice. His trial and execution were illegal. God came to earth as a poor carpenter and died as a criminal. He is the advocate of the poor, oppressed, and marginalized people of the earth, and has called his church to join him in manifesting God’s love to those who desperately need it.

I hope you will take the time to purchase and read this book. It will impact your life for good.


The Islamic Antichrist

The Islamic Antichrist

by Joel Richardson

If you think you have the end times all figured out, you probably don’t want to mess up your charts and predictions with the information presented by the author. If, however, you are willing to look at things from a new point of view, comparing what the Bible teaches to the teachings of Islam found in the Quran and the Sunnah, this will make for interesting and informative reading.

Richardson writes under a pen name, which is understandable given the murderous nature of radical jihadist Islam. He makes it clear that he is not anti-Muslim. In fact he insists that he loves many Muslims and hopes that what is contained in the book will not turn people against Muslims. It is Islam with which he has the issue. He adds that there is much to be learned from having authentic relationships and conversations with Muslims about Christ and Islam.

The first part of the book compares Islamic eschatology with that of the Bible, which yields some surprising match ups. Each version has a Messiah, False Prophet, and “Antichrist,” but the roles are reversed.

If, as Islam teaches, Jesus (their version) returns to earth as second in command to the Mahdi (the Christian Bible’s “antichrist”) to turn the world to faith in Allah and Islam, what a deception that will be!

Richardson then shows how he believes the modern revival of the Islamic caliphate is a resurrection of the Ottoman Empire, the seventh and eighth empires of Revelation. He shows why he believes that the eight nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38 are Islamic nations surrounding Israel headed up by Turkey, which to me makes sense. (However, at the time of this writing, all the territorial gains made by radical jihadists to establish their caliphate have been retaken by western forces led by the US.)

Chapter 11 discusses the nature of Muhammad’s revelations, making the case that they were very different from the way God revealed himself in the Bible. He gives some very good Muslim accounts of the Prophet’s torments. Richardson notes that the evil found in radical Islam is derived from this source.

Next Richardson shows how Islam fits the picture of an antichrist religion because it denies the three key doctrines of Christ, which John said the antichrist would deny: his incarnation, substitutionary death, and position in the Trinity.

Chapter 13 delineates Islam’s ancient hatred of the Jews and Christians, another trait linked to he antichrist. The following chapter shows that martyrdom by beheading, which is specifically mentioned in the book of Revelation has been Islam’s preferred method of disposing of enemies, infidels, and traitors since the time of Muhammad. Interestingly, Islam teaches that when Jesus returns, which is their second major sign of the end times, he will demand that all people to either convert to Islam or die. He will lead the army that imposes Islam on the world.

Chapter 15 reveals that Islam has always had a goal of world domination, through which the Muslims plan to force all people to submit to Allah, or die. The following chapter talks about their willingness to embrace deception to accomplish this goal, especially in times where they are weak and unable to dominate those around them. Lying is perfectly acceptable if it furthers their goal of domination. The next chapter discusses the Stockholm Syndrome and what is likely to happen as terror and intimidation increase around the world, leading to what the Bible calls the Great Apostasy. He believes it is already happening, which might account for the numbers of Westerners who have converted to Islam following the destruction of the World Trade Center.

Chapter 19 deals with potential arguments against his thesis, and the following chapter is arranged around other thoughts he wished to include. The final three chapters discuss our proper response as Christians: prayer, outreach, especially to Muslims, and preparing for martyrdom.

Personally I found the book to be at once intriguing and sobering. It does not leave the reader with a sense of hopelessness or fear. Instead, it gives us another possible scenario for the end times, for which we all need to be prepared. Whether or not the author’s proposed eschatological framework actually develops, his concluding chapters will serve us well no matter how things play out – pray, share the gospel, make disciples, and be willing to die for the testimony of Jesus. It is definitely worth the read.

And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. 11  And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Revelation 12:10-11 (ESV)

Dreams and Visions

Dreams and Visions

by Tom Doyle

Want to read a book that will inspire you? Tom Doyle compiled numerous accounts of Jesus’ appearing to Muslims in some of the most “closed” countries in the world when it comes to the gospel. It is great to know that nothing can stop the advance of the gospel, not even jihadist Islam. Large numbers of Muslims are having dreams and visions of Christ. It is estimated that between one-third and one-fourth of all Muslim background believers came to faith in this way. Jesus reveals himself to these people by impressing upon them how much he loves them. They begin to realize that he is much greater than just the Prophet Isa they have heard about in the Koran. He calls them to follow him. Often those receiving the revelations are told to go to a believer to find out more about Jesus and how to follow him. I found that my faith in the activity of God’s Spirit here in my own neighborhood has been heightened. Jesus is at work in those whom he is calling to himself. Our privilege is to be his partner in the enterprise called the kingdom of God. This is a “must read” if you are interested in what God is up to in the world of Islam.

The Insanity of Obedience

The Insanity of Obedience

by Nik Ripken (pseudonym)

This is the sequel to The Insanity of God  by the same author and builds upon what the first book contains. This second work is more of a practical application of the truths derived from the research among persecuted Christians done in writing the first.  I will, as usual, summarize the book using a lot of quotes while following the basic structure of the book. By the time you finish reading this summary, I believe you will agree that it is a very important book to have in your library. Note: Underlining was done by me for emphasis.

Chapter One: Our Marching Orders

Whatever else the church takes on, it is broadly understood that both “going” and “making disciples” are essential and defining tasks. The church cannot be the church unless it is going and making disciples. [1. Ripken, Nik (2013-12-09). The Insanity of Obedience: Walking with Jesus in Tough Places (p. 1). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition]

In fact, it becomes clear that an intimate relationship with Jesus necessarily leads to a life of ministry and service and mission for all believers. God is a sending God. Repeatedly, He draws people close and then He sends them out. In the Gospels, we encounter this same pattern over and over again. [2. Ibid. p. 2.]

Jesus made it clear that this impending persecution was not merely a possibility; for those who would obey Him, persecution is a certainty. [3. Ibid. p. 3.]

Judging by what eventually happened to Jesus Himself, we come to understand that persecution and suffering and sacrifice are necessary parts of His ultimate strategy, even today. [4. Ibid. p. 5.]

Chapter Two: Where’s the Parachute?

As interesting as our interviewing work has been, the ultimate goal is more than simply learning about our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in other places, often defined by persecution. Through our research, we are trying to discern some answers to key missiological and theological questions. Those are big words for “how do we get off the couch, walking and working with God, especially in the tough places?” We know that God’s purpose is to extend an invitation of grace to the entire world, but we are intrigued with the significant role believers play in that divine purpose. We are seeking to discern how exactly human beings can come along with God and partner wisely in His work. [5. Ibid., p.14.]

Chapter Three: Did I Sleep through this Class in Seminary?

It was a startling thought for me. From my perspective, persecution was something exceptional, unusual, out of the ordinary. From my perspective, persecution was a problem, and it was something to be avoided. From the perspective of my pastor friend in Russia, however, persecution was not exceptional at all. It was usual. It was ordinary. Persecution was simply to be expected for followers of Jesus. And God’s ability to intervene and use persecution for His purposes was expected as well. [6. Ibid., p.20.]

Most people simply assume that their view of the world is exactly the way the world is. Perhaps that perspective is simply part of the human condition. If, for example, we happen to live in a part of the world where overt persecution of believers is rare, then we assume persecution is rare. This assumption seems obvious and clear. Many of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, however, have a very different point of view. One of the great struggles for followers of Jesus is to develop and embrace a biblical worldview which, in most cases, is radically different than the worldview we already have. Nowhere is this struggle more acute than when it comes to persecution. [7. Ibid., p.21.]

According to Paul Marshall of Freedom House, 80 percent of the world’s believers who are practicing their faith live in persecution. 3 Before offering this shocking statistic, Marshall goes to great lengths to define what he means by “believers.” It turns out that he is talking about people who would not only use the word “Christian” to define themselves, but specifically about people who have a genuine relationship with Jesus. Marshall is talking about people who consider themselves to be “born again,” people for whom faith in Jesus is formative in life. Using that definition of a believer, Marshall claims that 80 percent of the world’s believers live in persecution. If his claim is even close to the truth, then we are compelled to rethink our definition of “normal.” [8. Ibid., pp.21-22.]

Generally speaking, persecution increases as people respond more and more to the activity of God, which is precisely what we find happening in the book of Acts. It is also what we find happening in many parts of the world today. Quite simply, as people come into relationship with Jesus, persecution follows. Our interviews suggest that access to the gospel, by itself, is not a direct correlate of increased persecution. The clearest predictor of persecution is response to the gospel. [9. Ibid., p.22.]

This is frightening in light of the relative absence of persecution in the United States. The author lists four responses to persecution that start at an immature level and proceed to the highest level of maturity.

  1. God, save us!
  2. God, judge them!
  3. God, forgive them!
  4. God, glorify your name!

In sum, persecution is not necessarily good or bad; it simply is. How believers respond to persecution gives it its value, and that response also determines whether or not persecution leads to a meaningful result. One does not run away from persecution due to fear, nor does one run toward persecution due to pride or psychological imbalance. Believers also understand that persecution, when it comes, needs to come for the right reasons. By way of illustration, the Twelve in Matthew 10 were assured of persecution, but they were also assured that persecution would come because they were bearing bold witnesses to Jesus, and not because of any lesser cause. As we noted before, the easiest way to avoid persecution is to be silent with our faith, but that is not a choice that we can make without denying Jesus’ hold on our lives. So we are left with a clear choice: we can be faithful to our calling and deal with the persecution that will inevitably come or we can avoid persecution by ignoring or disobeying Jesus’ instructions to go and make disciples. Quite simply, obedience will result in persecution. Persecution can be avoided only if we are disobedient and we fail to cross the street or cross the oceans. The choice is frightening in its clarity. At the same time, the choice is one that every believer must make. The hope that we can somehow be obedient and avoid persecution is a naïve and misplaced hope. [10. Ibid., pp. 27-28.]

As we struggled to understand the persecutors and persecution, we were led to a greater comprehension of the nature of good and evil. Representing the forces of evil, Satan strives to deny entire people groups and nations access to Jesus. It became clear in our interviews that the ultimate goal of the persecutors is always to deny people access to Jesus, and our interviews indicated that persecutors would do whatever was necessary to reach that goal. Persecutors seek to deny human beings the two great spiritual opportunities: first, access to Jesus and, second, opportunity for witness. [11. Ibid., pp. 28-29.]

When we witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we identify with those in chains. When we refuse to witness, we identify with those who place the chains on followers of Jesus. [12. Ibid. p.29.]

Being a witness for Jesus has little to do with political freedom. On the contrary, our willingness to witness has everything to do with obedience and courage. [13. Ibid., p.30.]

The author lists five standard Western response to persecution.

  1. We want persecution to stop.
  2. We want to rescue the persecuted.
  3. We desire for the persecutors to be punished.
  4. We tend to believe that Western forms of democracy and civil rights will usher in the kingdom of God.
  5. We try to raise financial support in order to rescue Christian workers from persecution.

Significantly, however, all five of these responses fail on biblical grounds. First, Jesus has clearly told us that persecution is normal and expected. The only way to stop persecution, in fact, is to be disobedient to His call. [14. Ibid., p.32.]

Persecuted believers discovered that the best way to deal with persecutors and to stop their persecution was to pray and witness so that their persecutors would become brothers and sisters in Christ! [15. Ibid., p.33.]

Chapter Four: Defining the Conversation

Most of the peoples of the earth who have little or no access to Jesus essentially live in an Old Testament environment. Because they do not currently have access to Jesus, they are already suffering! These people are already living under oppressive governments. [16. Ibid., p.37.]

This chapter defines a number of key terms used by the author and other missiologists. I will not repeat them. You should get the book and read it for yourself.

Chapter Five: The Need for Willing and Tough Workers

In response to Jesus’ command to share His grace with the whole world, many believers have obeyed His initial command to “Go.” As we will see later in our study, “going” is easier than “staying.” Often, the challenge is not merely to go, but to develop a viable long-term Christlike presence among those who have yet to hear the gospel clearly. What is required of us is not a casual or temporary response to Christ’s command, but a radical lifelong commitment. The result of that kind of commitment is the gospel taking root deeply within the host culture, wherever it may reside. [17. Ibid., pp. 47-48.]

Our task remains to provide access to Jesus to all men and women, boys and girls from every people group. This access includes the opportunity to hear the gospel, to understand, to believe, to be baptized, and to be gathered into house churches. If we expect (or even demand) a spiritual harvest, then we will be inclined to gravitate toward places where response to the gospel is more likely or to places where response is already happening. At the same time, we will likely avoid places where response to the gospel is less likely. These tendencies will clearly result in the unengaged and unreached people remaining unengaged and unreached. Astoundingly, the vast majority of overseas workers today reside in environments which are already defined as “Christian” and therefore have a significant believing witness. [18. Ibid., pp.48-49.]

Obviously, we understand that God can work in any setting, but sometimes we have trouble figuring out exactly how that can happen. Sometimes workers simply take what they know and have gathered among themselves through two thousand years of Christian history and try to superimpose those traditions into a new, host environment. That approach is typically ineffective, and it can lead to profound frustration. [19. Ibid., p.51.]

One of our professors was wise in his counsel: “Don’t be surprised when unreached people act like unreached people!” Discovering new ways, or returning to a more oral, biblical way, of “doing church” is mandatory in unreached settings, and that is something most believers and sending bodies find extremely difficult. How can we “do church” in a setting where “church” will look completely different? [20. Ibid., p.51.]

Because this struggle is so difficult, churches, workers, and agencies tend to focus on “Christian” areas and more responsive countries where security concerns are not quite as acute. [21. Ibid., p.54.]

Chapter Six: Cleaning Out the Clutter

The need for the lost to hear the good news always exceeds the needs of the witnesser. [22. Ibid., p.64.]

When the lost are the focus, those who are sent out and those who are sending live in harmony committed to the shared task. Sending bodies and agencies impact the lost by enabling, calling out, sending out, and nurturing workers. Workers enable and reinforce the sender’s ability to send as they report what God is doing at the edge of lostness. The ministry assignment shapes decisions as everyone involved strives to address the needs of the lost. The nature of the task determines the focus. [23. Ibid., p.65.]

Chapter Seven: Lies, Lies, and More Lies

In this chapter the author debunks several lies that hold people back from becoming Great Co-missionaries either at home or abroad.

Your fear is the greatest tool you will ever give to Satan. Overcoming your fear is your greatest tool against Satan. [24. Ibid., p.91.]

Believers cannot always choose safety, but they can always choose obedience. [25. Ibid., p.92.]

Chapter Eight: Staying Put

Our initial tentative conclusion has now become a rock-solid conviction: Followers of Jesus do not need to justify their presence in areas where Christ is not known. They need simply to be obedient. This chapter is a brief review of the biblical rationale for continuing to focus on people groups that are, seemingly, not responsive and for remaining in ministry environments which constitute significant risk to national and expatriate believers.[26. Ibid., p.95.]

Especially because of our propensity to count heads and record numbers, we are often prone to choose places of service that are more responsive. While this kind of choice may make good sense to our sending entities, it may not reflect biblical obedience. It is entirely possible— more than this, it is quite likely— that God would have His messengers stay among the dangerously unreached despite our struggle to justify such ineffective and unproductive commitments.[27. Ibid., p.97.]

One should always seek godly counsel. A decision about when to enter or exit a people group is a “family decision,” done within the Body of Christ. Only God could tell Paul, and those traveling with him, when to stay and when to leave. Only God can tell us the same thing today.[28. Ibid., p.100.]

Chapter Nine: The Persecutors

Historically, the most common persecutor of believers is the State. In this situation, persecution is led or sanctioned by the government. We refer to it here as top-down persecution. Persecution occurs when the State perceives the church (or individual believers) as a threat to order, control, or its own existence. When this kind of persecution is dominant, it originates from outside the family. In fact, in this scenario of persecution, the family and the community will, in many cases, provide a measure of protection for believers, especially if they are family members. The persecution comes from “the outside.” In this first category, persecution is a concern of the government, and even non-believing individuals will not generally participate in the oppression of believers.[29. Ibid., pp.105-106.]

In the 1960s, the Chinese government wrote in a secret “white paper” concerning faith in China: “The church in China has grown too large and too deep; we cannot kill it. We have determined to give the church properties, buildings, seminaries, and denominational headquarters so as to make the church rich. Once we do that, we will be more successful in controlling the church.” I saw an English translation of this white paper, given by a believer inside the government to a friend. This is a prophetic and hard word for the church in the West today! We have done to ourselves what the State would attempt to do if we were, indeed, a threat to the government. Self-persecution is normally subtler and more effective than what can be imposed from the outside![30. Ibid., pp.108-109.]

This is essentially what happened to the church in the West when Rome legalized Christianity and made it the state religion.

The second type of persecution once again involves the State. In this case, however, an “ideological partner” joins the State. Often, surprisingly, this ideological partner is a religious institution that cooperates with the government. This ideological partner can be a mosque, temple, synagogue or, sadly, a historical “Christian” church. One of the tragedies of Christian history is that Christian institutions are significant persecutors of believers. Historically, the church is the fourth largest persecutor of the church![31. Ibid., p.109.]

The third type of persecutor involves both the State and an ideological partner. In this case, however, a third human entity is the primary persecutor: the extended family and the basic structures of society.[32. Ibid., p.110.]

In top-down persecution, there might be decades to hear, to understand, to believe, and to be baptized in Jesus. But in this third kind of persecution, that length of time will not be possible. In fact, family members and neighbors will harm their own children and blood relatives while reporting believers to the authorities immediately. They often lead the persecution themselves. We call this kind of persecution bottom-up persecution. This is the most effective and devastating of all the forms of persecution.[33. Ibid., p.111.]

We are inclined to look at oppressive situations and conclude believers in those settings are simply not free to share their faith. But believers in persecution around the world have a different view of things. They believe they are always free to share, even if the consequences are devastating. The persecutors will, in fact, determine the negative consequences of witness, but the persecutors never determine the believers’ freedom to share nor the harvest which will follow. Believers will simply not give their persecutors that power![34. Ibid., p.114.]

Chapter Ten: God’s Spirit in Present Active Tense Today

It can be argued that all events in the Bible, from Genesis 1 through Acts 1 are located in history as taken place before Pentecost and the birth of scores of house churches. Therefore all of this biblical history was pre-Pentecost, before the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2. Pre-Pentecost is the norm for millions of lost souls today. They have never heard of the first Pentecost in Acts 2 and they certainly have never experienced such an outpouring of God’s Spirit themselves.[35. Ibid., p.118.]

The theological emphasis in this pre-Pentecost environment will invariably focus on the first coming of Jesus. At this point especially, it is essential for a new believer to understand both why Jesus came and what He came to accomplish.[36. Ibid., pp.122-123.]

Since we in the West are moving more and more toward a post-Christian environment, we cannot assume our new converts know much at all about the Bible; so, we will need to treat things as a pre-Pentecost environment, too.

Within church planting movements, it is impossible to wait for formal, literate training to happen; leaders simply rise from within the gathered community. These leaders receive their training as they serve or they receive their training when they are arrested and imprisoned for the sharing of their faith. They are trained! Yet they are trained inside the local church and for the movements of God.[36. Ibid., p.125.]

Furthermore, buildings are not necessary; in fact, usually buildings are seen as a hindrance. Constructing buildings requires too much time and money. Buildings are dangerous because they allow the persecutors to locate most of the believers at a set place and at a set time. In a sense, buildings become a kind of “one-stop shopping” for those opposed to Jesus, His gospel, and His followers.[37. Ibid., p.125.]

For that reason, these church planting movements are usually “house movements.” In many places the size of the house determines the size of the church. Or the level of persecution determines the size of the house church.[38. Ibid., p.126.]

Today, at least in the West, our world might be described as a post-Pentecost world. What does the church look like more than two thousand years after the Pentecost event described in Acts 2? Perhaps the following description is overstated, but the overstatement might be necessary to get our attention. While the gathered group in the days of Pentecost emphasized the telling of the story, the church in our post-Pentecost world focuses on maintaining the organization.[39. p.127]

Buildings, staff, and denominational identity are extremely important in much of the post-Pentecost world, and significant resources are committed to building new buildings, maintaining those buildings, and servicing debt required to build those buildings. The majority of a church’s funds are spent on the ninety-nine sheep already found, while much less is spent in an effort to reach that one lost sheep. Training is often based on the transfer of information and may have little to do with character formation.[40. p.127]

In our experience, moving from a post-Pentecost to a pre-Pentecost world felt like getting on an airplane in a New Testament world and landing in an Old Testament world! Little in the post-Pentecost world prepares us to go to pre-Pentecost.[41. p.129]

What is most needed in a pre-Pentecost world is an incarnational witness. What these new believers need to know is what the Bible says and who Jesus is. They need a model that is willing to say, “Watch my life and I will show you how a follower of Jesus lives and how a follower of Jesus dies.”

Those basic needs dictate the role of the worker. It is this simple. A worker in pre-Pentecost may be more defined by what they leave behind in post-Pentecost than by what they take with them to pre-Pentecost. In pre-Pentecost, entry strategies are of vast importance as we decide where to go next.[42. pp.129-130]

I, Pete, believe that this is the kind of witness we need in the West today. The author next discusses the impact of persecution in the pre- and post-Pentecostal worlds. He concludes:

In every movement of the story and in every part of this analogy, whether we find ourselves in a pre-Pentecost, Pentecost, or post-Pentecost setting, the needs of the lost carry more weight than the needs of the witnesser. This selfless approach to ministry is not our normal way of living or serving.[43. pp.133-134]

We never want to cheat new believers out of Pentecost, moving them directly from pre-Pentecost to post-Pentecost and taking them directly to the slice of religious history in which Westerners are most familiar and most comfortable.[44. p.135]

Chapter Eleven: Supernatural Conversions through Western Eyes

In talking with more than 250 MBBs [Muslim Background Believers – See note below.], we discovered that fewer than 10 percent of them had ever met a Western worker or “outside” believer before coming to faith in Jesus. To put it another way, more than 90 percent of these followers of Jesus had come to faith without the help of an outsider or a believer from another culture. Our earlier assumptions had elevated the role of the Western worker; our interviews humbled us in suggesting how small the worker’s role actually was.[45. p.138]

Note: Muslim Background Believers are followers of Jesus who live in (or who have come out of) a predominantly Muslim context.[46. p.45]

Encountering the same pattern so often, we were driven to find some meaningful explanations. Several key insights quickly came to the surface. First, we realized (and we were compelled to admit) that believers in the West typically fear persecution; even more, they tend to avoid persecution at any cost. It dawned on us that God might be hesitant to put Western believers in the lives of new believers who would, in all likelihood, live with severe persecution daily. Perhaps believers from the West are not especially well suited to help believers deal with life in settings where persecution would be common. It would be likely that Western believers would instill fear in new believers in pre-Pentecost settings. Second, we realized the rather obvious truth that God is not waiting on Western workers to reach the peoples of the world![47. p.138]

The author asks the relevant question as to just how are Muslims coming to Christ, if it is almost always without the aid of Western workers. His research teaches that they come through the following.

  1. Dreams and Visions. Seekers usually turn to the mosque after having dreams and visions that are leading to Christ, but when no satisfactory explanation is given, they seldom go back, turning to other sources of information, such as other Christians when they can find them.
  2. Encounters with the Bible. The author gives numerous examples of different ways Muslims have come into possession of Bibles. Typically they read it through several times before ever coming to faith in Christ, making them very biblically literate at conversion. Sadly, women are left in the dark quite often, since most of them are illiterate and have no one to share the Gospel with them after receiving dreams and visions. This is something that needs to be addressed.
  3. Encounters with “In-culture” or “Near-culture” Believers. These are Spirit orchestrated encounters with believers who are able to guide them to receiving the gospel.

The author next shows how different the Spirit of God reaches Hindu Background Believers, highlighting the principle that what works in one culture may not have any success in another. HBBs are usually won through demonstration of miracles and healings that accompany gospel presentations, resulting in new believers who have little or no knowledge of the Scriptures.

Chapter Twelve: Working Smarter, Not Harder

Most Americans do not know what it means to truly belong to community. We are typically individualistic in our worldview. In order to emphasize the point, let me offer an observation: Communal peoples, which include most of the peoples of the earth, would rather go to hell with their families than go to heaven by themselves![48. p.160]

Although salvations often happen by a direct intervention of God’s Spirit, churches are never planted without the input of existing Christians.

Stated boldly, we find no evidence of churches being planted without human believers working in direct partnership with God. As believers, we are to be partners with God in church planting. That is God’s choice. As believers, our choice is in determining whether we will partner with God wisely or unwisely. In thinking about this divine-human partnership, we have identified some significant barriers and challenges. In our interviews, four main barriers came to the surface.[49. pp.161-162]

  1. An Addiction to Literacy. Since many women (sisters, wives, mothers, and daughters) are illiterate, often male family members do not even bother to share the Gospel with them! If we only communicate the Gospel through written means, vast groups of people will be left out.
  2. Specific Issues Related to Males. An example is when a man waits for his father to die before declaring his faith in Christ.
  3. Specific Issues Related to Females. Male MBBs must learn how to share their faith with their wives instead of simply declaring that they are now believers, if the wives’ faith is to be real.
  4. The Presence of Old Line Churches in Muslim Areas. Often these churches predate the arrival of Muslims, but they exist as an ineffective minority. They often persecute new MBBs in order to protest their safety as a minority.

Chapter Thirteen: More Barriers

In simplest form, the question that we are asking is this: How can we, in environments defined by persecution, get to multigenerational, reproducing house churches?[50. p.175]

The author calls such a situation a church planting movement or a CPM. The author list quite a number of barriers to producing a CPM and gives some possible solutions. There are too many to list here.

Chapter Fourteen: An Historical Case Study – Persecution and Its Aftermath

This is one of the most interesting chapters which delineates the differences in how persecution affected  the church in the former Soviet Union and Communist China. It gives reasons why the church declined in the USSR but is growing exponentially in China. The insights may surprise you. They certainly encouraged me that we at Life Community Network are on the right track when persecution hits America.

Chapter Fifteen: How to Deal with Judas

The author makes several points about betrayal.

  1. Judas will be found in the inner circle of the church.
  2. Judas will grow up within the movement and not be imported from outside.
  3. God can help us deal with Judas ourselves and not send him to someone else.
  4. We can learn to recognize Judas quickly.
  5. We can be aware that Judas often has money issues.
  6. Christ will be revealed if we deal properly with Judas.

Chapter Sixteen: Bring on the Water

This chapter discusses in detail the importance of water baptism without having any particular doctrinal axe to grind. It is very good.

What matters most for our present discussion is to realize how new believers in contexts of persecution experience and understand baptism.[51. p.205]

Several salient points are mentioned, and I list two of them below which seem relevant to churches that practice the priesthood of the believer.

…When Western workers or outsiders are involved in baptisms, persecution tends to increase dramatically. The best model is for baptism to happen within an in-culture community with as little outside involvement as possible. …baptism is at its biblical best when an in-culture or near-culture believer baptizes another believer. Again, minimal involvement of Western workers or other outsiders is ideal.[52. p.208]

What matters most is the deeper meaning of what is happening. This new believer will understand that he or she is being baptized into Christ, and being baptized into a new Body of believers. Baptism is a profound expression of belonging, and it is a clear picture of a new family. Especially within contexts of persecution and suffering, it is simply impossible to overstate the power of this image and the meaning that it conveys… Whatever we might take baptism to mean, believers in contexts of persecution and suffering see it primarily as a radical identification with Jesus and a profoundly important identification with the community of faith.[53. pp.208-209]

Chapter Seventeen: “I Have Come Home!”

Simply stated, Islam generally equates baptism with conversion. From the perspective of Islam, to be baptized is to be saved. A repeated emphasis throughout our interviews with MBBs was the intensification of persecution immediately following the believer’s baptism. Up to that point, it was not unusual for a “seeker” to be allowed to study the Bible, listen to Christian radio programming, attend a CBB church (if welcomed), and even to meet regularly and openly with Western workers. All of these behaviors can be explained as a desire to understand Christianity for debating purposes… For Islam, baptism is the point of no return. Though Western believers might be repelled by such an image, it seems that Islam (perhaps more than the Western church itself) has truly grasped the weight and significance of baptism![54. p.214]

Several great points are made in this chapter about the proper way to baptize in terms of its being secret or not or done at the hands of a Westerner or not. I will leave it to you to read this section for yourself. Here is one last quote on the subject.

Baptism is at the heart of church planting in environments framed by violence and persecution, especially in places where faith is emerging. At its heart, baptism is the midwife to the emerging church. What we suggest here is a revealing and wonderful insight: when baptism is truly New Testament and culturally sensitive, it will always leave a church behind.[55. pp.226-227]

Chapter Eighteen: Wise Servants, Tough Places

Relationship Building Is Paramount

This first point applies directly to being effective in here in the United States.

The first observation we would make is that it is not enough for lost people to be the focus of Western workers. As good as that sounds, it is essential to go beyond that. Lost people must not be merely the focus of Western workers; instead, lost people must become their family.[56. pp.231-232]

Keep Evangelism Central

Often, Western workers will evangelize just long enough (often until ten or fifteen believers emerge) until they have a small group to “pastor.” Once enough believers emerge to constitute a flock to pastor, the overseas worker ceases to keep evangelism central.[57. p.235]

Isn’t this how we work here in the United States? Evangelism is replaced by church management, and we train the flock to ignore the lost.

Chapter Nineteen: Our Faces Before God

It is axiomatic to point out that we cannot bring into existence what we do not already know and do ourselves. It is simply not possible to model what we have not yet experienced.[58. p.239]

If we want to see people coming to Christ in our churches, leaders must model this ministry to the flock. Most of this chapter is devoted to principles for building healthy ministry teams.

Chapter Twenty: Jesus and Money

This chapter has some good guidelines for keeping a kingdom focus and using good money management principles.

The goal is to always seek to help local believers to be financially independent from outsiders.[59. p. 247]

One of the most lasting ideas that I personally derived from this chapter is how one missionary grew to be very loved because he refused to be independent from the people he served. When he needed money to fly home for a funeral, he asked the people of his community for a loan instead of applying to his sending agency. They loved him for it and said, “He needs us!” This is a word to the wise: do not operate as if the people you serve cannot play a huge role in the work of the ministry. You will unwittingly alienate them. This happens all the time in our consumer culture where we expect paid professionals to do the work, while the rest of us spectate.

Chapter Twenty-One: Being Midwife to the Body of Christ

This is a great chapter on how to model our faith to unbelievers outside of a typical church setting. It is about being incarnational in our communities.

Chapter Twenty-Two: Recognizing and Equipping Local Leaders

Candidly, this chapter will suggest that those who hope to see a movement of God among an unreached people group will intentionally choose who to evangelize and who to disciple. In fact, intentionality must be central in both evangelism and discipleship.[60. p.264]

Since we in the West are not currently enduring persecution, I suggest we apply the following principles to growing the Body of Christ in our own context, especially our neighborhoods, which is the focus of Life Community Network.

First, believing leaders in persecution will want to understand that evangelism is their most effective survival tool.[61. p.264]

Second, the goal of life together in a believing community is just that: life together. As important as the conversion of the individual is (we have already noted the norm in persecution is to be a midwife to families embracing Jesus altogether), the ultimate goal is community.[62. p.265]

Third, betrayal will come. Fourth, discipleship requires large investments of time to help shape others in their devotion to Christ and his mission.

How many people do you want to lead to Christ if they all come and live with you in your personal space? Yet this kind of intimate and close relationship is what we see as Jesus walked with and worked with His followers. Most Western-based discipleship programs are essentially information transfer. Increasingly, we think we can disciple someone through the Internet. Discipleship in settings of persecution is based on relationship. New believers are asked how they are treating their wife and their children. New believers are asked if they are sharing their faith. New believers are asked about their use of money and about their time on the Internet. In the Western world, a believer can go to a denominational college and get multiple degrees from a seminary and never be asked these kinds of questions! Discipleship is about building character, not simply transferring information.[63. p.267]

The fifth point is that we must multiply our ministries by multiplying leaders. The remainder of the chapter contains a great deal of important and useful information.

Chapter Twenty-Three: If the Resurrection Is True, This Changes Everything

We traveled the world to figure out if God really is God. We wanted to discern for ourselves if Jesus really is who He says He is. We wanted to know if the stories of the Bible were simply old stories or if those stories described the living, active, and ongoing activity of God. We wanted to know for ourselves if this life with Christ is real.[64. p.278]

Looking back now, I understand that one of the most accurate ways to detect and measure the activity of God is to note the amount of opposition that is present. The stronger the persecution, the more significant the spiritual vitality of the believers.[65. p. 280]

This chapter is packed with true stories of victorious living in the midst of persecution and gives many principles that the author derived from his years of research among persecuted peoples.

Chapter Twenty-Four: Our Marching Orders

The short chapter recaps the book. I hope this summary is helpful and inspires you to read the book for yourself. It is both challenging and hopeful. It gives us a reason to be excited about whatever awaits us in the West. No matter what, Jesus is Lord and his people will shine.

Community: The Structure of Belonging

Community: The Structure of Belonging

by Peter Block

This book is a gold mine of practical insights that will assist churches in their quest to bring kingdom transformation to our communities. This summary contains some of the key thoughts that impacted me. In some cases, I will simply use quotations from the book and let them speak for themselves. Block has brought together the thinking of several key people in the area of community development and transformation, which makes it all the more valuable and a real time saver.

The Gallup organization’s  Strengthsfinder assessments, which identify individuals’ key strengths, are extremely beneficial for team building. The premise is that we can achieve more as a team and as individuals by focusing on our strengths and relying on team members to function in areas where we have weaknesses. Block quotes John McKnight:

“…the act of labeling [people as to their limits or deficiencies]…is what diminishes the capacity of people to fulfill their potential. If we care about transformation, we will stay focused on gifts, to such an extent that our work becomes simply to bring the gifts of those on the margin into the center.” (p.13)

The Bible calls this “encouragement,” whereby we use faith and prophetic insight to identify and activate what God has put into people, without feeling the need of pointing out what is missing in the individual. The Law points out our deficiencies, but grace is always faith and gift based. God made each person to bring glory to himself, and no one should be denigrated.

Block writes: “This is in no way a denial of our limitations, just a recognition that they are not who we are. I am not what I am not able to do. I am what I am able to do, my gifts and capacities.” (p.140)

I am convinced that we sometimes err by trying tell people what they can or cannot do by placing labels on them from the top down. Instead we should encourage people to follow God and step out in faith. The top-down model of leadership is a bottleneck for the move of God’s Spirit. None of us who are in leadership are immune from this tendency to control. Instead of trying to label and categorize people up front, why not reserve that until later, if we like, more as a matter of looking back and celebrating the work of God’s grace in their lives.

Block lists five strategic principles that can lead to true transformation in our communities. (pp.30-31)

  • The essential work is to build social fabric. When citizens care for each other, they become accountable to each other. This is nothing new. When we put a face on a need, it becomes personal and we cannot ignore it any longer. We have always known that relationship building is a big key, but when it comes to planning, we usually revert to what we have always done by limiting input to a small core of leaders, which effectually works to break down the relationships we so long for among the rank and file. Unless people have a sense of ownership, they are not as likely to commit themselves.
  • Strong associational life is essential and central. Creating connectedness becomes both the end and the means. Associational life is a volitional aspect of community – how citizens choose to build connections for their own sake, usually for a common purpose. This is in contrast to forced participation based on pay, retribution, censure, or exclusion.
  • Leaders who use their power to convene “citizens” are able to create an alternative future. Unless citizens [church members] take ownership of the process, it is likely that nothing transformational will take place. Citizen participation and ownership is more important than decisions by institutions and formal leadership.
  • The small group is the unit of transformation. It is the place where people’s uniqueness can be valued and engagement takes place. We must set aside the demands of scale and speed in interest of building relationally.
  • All transformation is linguistic. If we want to change the community, we must change the conversation. The conversation is directed by the leader or convener who is able to ask the right questions to lead people to engage and take ownership.

Block contrasts what he calls the patriarchal, corporate, top down, or retributive justice mindset that focuses on problem solving, blame casting, and punishment to the transformative mindset that focuses on possibility [faith], generosity [grace and hospitality], and gifts [our using what God has put in us]. The former mindset seeks to control the future and make it an extension of the past and present; whereas, the latter is not afraid to embrace the possibility of very different future. I found that Block’s thoughts in this area are quite instructive and illuminating regarding the nature of faith.

Regarding the role of leadership, he writes:

“The search for great leadership is a prime example of how we too often take something that does not work and try harder at it. I have written elsewhere about the reconstructing leader as social architect. Not leader as a special person, but leader as a citizen willing to do those things that have the capacity to initiate something new in the world.” (p.86)

“The core task of leadership is to create the conditions for civic and institutional [church] engagement. They do this through the power they have to name the debate and design gatherings.” (p.86)

Later in the book, Block shows how asking the right questions can lead people into taking ownership rather than continuing in the consumerist-entitlement mindset in which we expect others to take care of things on our behalf. This is where the book is truly ingenious. I will not try to explain how it is done, just whet your appetite.

“This [view] is very different from the conventional belief that the task of leadership is to set a vision, enroll others in it, and hold people accountable through measurements and reward…[which] creates a level of isolation, entitlement, and passivity that our communities [churches] cannot afford to carry…The world does not need leaders to better define issues, or to orchestrate better planning or project management. What it needs is for the issues and the plans to have more of an impact, and that comes from citizen [church member] accountability and commitment.” (p.87)

But lest you think this happens through pressure from the top down, it does not. I will not spoil your joy of discovering his breakthrough thinking on this matter by revealing it here. You need to read the book!

One of Block’s chapter titles is “Questions Are More Transforming than Answers.” He writes:

“The future is brought into the present when citizens engage each other through questions of possibility, commitment, dissent, and gifts. Questions open the door to the future and are more powerful than answers in that they demand engagement. Engagement is what creates accountability. How we frame questions is decisive. They need to be ambiguous, personal, and stressful.” (p.101)

If this does not pique your curiosity, this is not the book for you!

“The point is that the nature of the questions we ask either keeps the existing system in place or brings an alternative future into the room.” (p.104) “

[Improper questions are] a response to the wish to create a predictable future. We want desperately to take uncertainty out of the future. But when we take uncertainty out, it is no longer the future. It is the present projected forward. Nothing new can come from the desire for a predictable tomorrow.” (p.105)

Is that not a clarion call to living by faith?

Block writes:

“We have to realize that each time people enter a room, they walk in with ambivalence, wondering whether this is the right place to be. This is because the default mindset is that someone else owns the room, the meeting, and the purpose that convened the meeting…The leader/convener has to act to change this…The intent is to move the social contract from parenting to partnership.” (p.128)

I believe that Block is getting at the heart of the difference between grace and legalism. Legalism has always elevated leaders over the people, something that Jesus taught against by saying that the greatest leaders are the servants of all. Grace elevates everyone to be kings and priests and ministers. If the Spirit of the Lord is going to accomplish through his church everything he desires, our leadership mentality must change even more than it has.

Unless we engage people in such a way that motivates them to take responsibility to obey God, use their gifts, and fulfill their callings, the church will remain dormant. Unless we leaders abandon the codependent and consumerist desire to have people constantly need of us, we are not going to bring in an alternative future. Block is giving us some wonderful keys to help this happen, if we are willing to learn and put his principles into practice.

The last part of the book shows how leaders can bring people together and ask the right questions to help people engage, take ownership, and commit themselves to work in partnership to see something new take place. Even though this is a “secular” book, it is chock full of biblical truth and well worth a careful study.

Brimstone: The Art and Act of Holy Non-judgment

Brimstone: The Art and Act of Holy Non-judgment

by Hugh Halter

I hope the title of this book intrigues you enough to read it. Hugh Halter examines how followers of Christ can represent their Lord properly in a dysfunctional and sinful society without alienating the very people who most need God’s love and the gospel. How do we maintain our integrity with regard to God’s righteous standards of behavior without appearing self-righteous and judgmental? How do we engage godless and immoral people without compromising our own dedication to God? My summary will follow the chapters of the book and will contain numerous quotes with a little commentary on my part.


The Coming Wrath: How Did We Get So Mean?

Here’s another way to think of judgment: after very careful and discerning thought, the conclusion you reach is a judgment. It should be based in wisdom, truth, and knowledge and delivered for the practical good. This is why Jesus still likes and levels judgments, and it’s why I personally am glad judgment exists. (Halter, Hugh (2015-07-01). Brimstone: The Art and Act of Holy Nonjudgment (Kindle Locations [KL] 231-233). David C. Cook. Kindle Edition.)

What I am arguing for is removing, or at least decreasing, the amount of lousy judgment that we pour over ourselves and, consequently, everyone else. No, our problem is not judgment itself. It’s the lack of right discernment, the absence of perfect knowledge, the void of righteous reasoning that creates the buzz saw of trite, dehumanizing black-and-white lines. When Jesus died on the cross, He put an end to this kind of condemnation, litigation, separation, and poor judgment. The reason for His incarnation (Jesus coming as a human) was so that judgment could be averted rather than leveled.  (KL 236-243)

Halter argues that the original sin of partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the root of destructive judging. We think we know enough to level judgments at others.

Well, this is really the story behind God’s forbidden fruit. I’ve always wondered what God was afraid of, and when I hear Satan’s lie, I actually sort of agree with him: Why doesn’t God want us to know everything? Why doesn’t He let us know the differences between good and evil? Now I get it. God knew it was simply too much info for us to handle, and history has proven it a few kabillion times over. The most dangerous knowledge in the world is the knowledge of good and evil for one glaring reason: we don’t steward the knowledge well at all. Most of the time we get it wrong, and when we do, we really make things worse. (KL 294-299)

The Coming Son: Who Gets the Gavel?

…people see what they already believe, and the job of a great attorney is to convince people to see beyond their existing beliefs. Apparently, there are only two ways to change a bias: One is by having an experience that is so emotional it changes your perspective. The other is by listening to someone you trust to be an authority. (KL 347-349)

Citing John 5:22-30, Halter writes:

Jesus has the authority to judge, and He judges correctly, but He generally chooses not to judge people? He can make right judgments if He wants to, but His intent is not to use His authority to “get us.” There’s no condemnation in His judgment! Did you catch that? He doesn’t come into the world with the desire to punish us or push us into the lake of burning brimstone. His intention is exactly the opposite— He came to save. This is a really important nuance about Jesus that we often miss.

This is a very unique point about how we are to relate to people who are screwing up their lives or the lives of others. We may have enough knowledge to make a correct judgment over them, but if we take our cues from Jesus, we will realize we don’t need to impose our judgment. Eventually every sin will be uncovered, and in time people will confront their sin all on their own. If we judge them, our condemnation might make them flee back into the dark, but if we stand in God’s light without condemnation, He may use us to encourage others to come out of the dark. (KL 417-421)

Here is a summary of the main thoughts in this chapter.

    • Jesus is the only final and safe, authority and judge.
    • Judgment is good if it leads to justice and redemption. It is for this reason that Jesus came into the world.
    • Judgment without these purposes is actually counterproductive to God’s kingdom design.
    • People are already under judgment even without our judging them. They are either hiding in the dark or walking toward the light.
    • Jesus really came to judge Satan and bad judges (which includes many Christians).
    • We no longer have to worry about pointing out people’s darkness.
    • We get to live as light and draw people to the light, where Jesus can naturally change them. (KL 472-485)

Don’t Be a Stoner: Time to Drop the Rocks

We should be rigorous in judging ourselves and gracious in judging others. —John Wesley (KL 488-489)

In this chapter Halter contrasts the position of standing apart from “sinners” in judgment and coming alongside them to advocate for them.

Most people live with a deep sense of insecurity, self-loathing, and unworthiness. When we bring these broken identities to Jesus, He heals us; if we don’t, then we mask our pain behind judgments over others. This is why people are drawn to gossip or the latest tabloid dirt on a small scale and become racist bigots on a large scale. We just love to see people who are worse than we are so that in our surface comparisons we come out smelling just a little less musty. (KL 561-564)

Halter’s chapter summary is as follows:

  • If you sin at all, you have no reason to judge those you don’t know.
  • If you sin at all, you have no reason to judge those you do know.
  • Jesus protected the life of a sinner, and that makes Him an advocate for people who sin.
  • Jesus can’t stand people who try to catch Him in “the letter of the law” scenarios.
  • Jesus was the only person in the adulteress’s story who was able to influence her life.
  • Jesus was full of grace, and therefore He got a chance to share truth. (KL 675-680)

Halter explains that this is good news for the follower of Christ because:

  • Now that we don’t have to worry about another person’s sliver, we get to use that time to work on our own plank.
  • This is a great week to simply thank Jesus for applying all of His righteousness to you. You no longer have to be a self-righteous hypocrite.
  • This means you can now be a beautifully gentle, humble friend for those who are struggling around you. (KL 689-692)

Hinge Point: The World Hangs in the Balance

Citing an actual confrontation between an activist church which picketed a topless club and the club’s owner and workers, Halter writes:

But the gospel of Jesus is about gentle persuasion through respected friendships, not violent confrontation with enemies. This is what we can call a hinge point. Everything hinges upon us living this balance of vertical personal commitment to Jesus without imposing horizontally upon the humans around us. (KL 782-784)

At this point Halter seamlessly transitions to share some thoughts about how followers of Christ can be good fishers of men by applying principles of holy non-judgment to their relationships.

First, neighbors aren’t thinking about how to love you. This is not a two-way street. You’ve got to be the one to initiate contact and then continue to initiate contact, and the only thing you should be trying to do with your neighbors is to get their stories and make friends. Remember that Jesus was called a friend of sinners, which means that although He lived in a way that was miles more holy than they did, He still tucked His moral superiority under His tunic and spent consistent time after work, on weekends, and in early mornings getting to know people at the heart level. So no matter what Google reveals about your neighbors or what you’ve heard them scream at their kids or spouses through open windows, you must not make any judgments early on. In the Halter family story, we’ve had many neighbors find faith in Christ and eventually make their way into our churches, but every one of these required twenty to thirty dinners, happy hours, golf outings, and poker nights to get a real picture of who they were. (KL 792-799)

Halter argues that the greatest sins a follower of Christ can commit are connected to a failure to love God preeminently and to heavily invest in (love) our neighbors.

As with most parables or stories of Jesus, we are supposed to process this one from all angles. So to say that the greatest commandment is to love God with everything you’ve got and to love your neighbors as much as you love yourself also means that the greatest sin may be to love God haphazardly, only on weekends, or only when you need something from Him, while at the same time having no real interest in caring for, loving on, doing a barbeque with, or even getting to know the names of your neighbors. Isn’t it amazing how we’ve made swearing, having sex before marriage, watching R-rated movies, and having a beer with dinner and a joint for dessert seem like sins damnable by the eternal fires of hell, but we continue to ignore Jesus’s statement on the greatest commandments and greatest sins? (KL 823-829)

Halter next introduces a term he coined in an earlier book – whimsical holiness. It’s an odd sounding concept on the surface, but when the reader considers how he defines it, it makes sense.

Here’s a little bonus tip that I’ve found helpful to keep my wits about me as I live next to these wild Vikings we call sinners, pagans, and wacko unbelievers while keeping my vertical relationship with God strong. It’s called “whimsical holiness,” which is the ability to hold on to personal values of Christlikeness while being deeply in relationship with people who do not hold your same convictions. In other words, it’s about keeping a sense of humor while keeping a sense of holiness. (KL 830-834)

God has been to the brothels, the bars, and the back alleys of Sin City. People with Jesus’s whimsical holiness don’t gasp when someone curses. They don’t avoid a group of people, a place, or a party because someone might get out of hand. They inhabit dark places with the intention of protecting and redeeming, befriending and befuddling people with acceptance and love. They win the lost because they’re the only ones who hang out with the lost. This is the power of incarnation (living our human life like Jesus lived His) and the character of whimsical holiness with which every Christian must learn to clothe him- or herself. Redemption, liberation, and sanctification are dirty jobs. The dirtiest! And to follow Christ is to jump into pain, hell, and all kinds of sinful acts without an arrogant, finger-pointing, judgmental thought. (KL 845-851)

Halter’s chapter summary is excellent.

  • We don’t influence culture by yelling at it.
  • Confronting sin without first influencing the heart creates more space between us and them.
  • We never have to fear what the culture calls acceptable because we are always free to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.
  • We should never impose our vertical moral commitments to God upon the horizontal plane of relationships, especially our neighbors. (KL 852-856)

Missing-ology: Nonjudgment 401

How easy it is to judge rightly after one sees what evil comes from judging wrongly. —Elizabeth Gaskell, Wives and Daughters (KL 867-868)

Being sent is part and parcel of being in the family of God— He wants us to be on mission with Him. It’s an aspect of our new identity. We are redeemed and then sent back as missionary saints. I suspect Jesus knows that when we abstain from the world, we actually become more susceptible to spiritual sickness. (KL 904-906)

Halter argues that when the church fortresses up and builds religious barriers between itself and the people who need the Gospel, we err exceedingly.

So the first adjustment we must consider is that the Bible is not a spiritual formation guide for missionless sermon-mongers. It does not call you to holiness without calling you to hang with the world at the exact same time. (KL 952-954)

Halter, throughout the book, walks the tension-filled tightrope between the holiness of God and being on mission to a lost and sinful world. He acknowledges that God requires holiness and that we must often make mention of that fact. However, he insists that we must do this in a spirit of humility. As one of our community pastors is famous for saying, “I’m a Christian, but I’m not very good at it.” This admission defuses any accusation that Christians are hypocrites. We just admit it upfront.

Does this mean that we never bring up our failures and sin? Does it mean we, as friends of normal people, never discuss or bring up ideas of how to live better? Of course not. All Paul is showing is that if we put ourselves in the list [of sinful behavior] and if we openly discuss our own sin, it will be easier to have these discussions without any sense of elite judgmentalism. (KL 999-1001)

Halter ends this chapter by summarizing three ways this is good news for followers of Christ.

  • Your job isn’t to end every conversation with “truth”; instead, it is to keep the conversation running.
  • You can trust God to reveal Himself over time as you keep learning Scripture together.
  • You will grow because you no longer view your beliefs as right but stay postured as a learner and a child before Jesus every day. (KL 1093-1096)

Street-Level Saints

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, so clearly truth is important to Him. But for Jesus, truth isn’t abstract truth. It isn’t just information or concepts to consider. For Jesus truth is Him: His ways, His reality offered to people. As such, Jesus cares most about our response to truth and the level at which it is accepted, received, or followed. In other words, a follower of Jesus should be as concerned about helping people want to come toward the truth as he is about the truth itself. Another way to say it is that our missionary call is about creating an atmosphere in which people are drawn to the truth, come to respect the person in which truth is found, and accept the truth personally. (KL 1101-1106)

In this chapter Halter argues that in the church we should accept Christ’s norms for godly behavior without feeling that we are required to impose these standards on those who are still seekers. Even in the church, however, we must show mercy and love in our judgment.

This scripture is not, as some believe, a carte blanche permission slip to be brutal to each other. (KL 1139)

Halter illustrates that the church as a whole fails miserably in this regard by referencing the frequent use of Facebook and other social media to castigate people.

Oh, how this would change the world if we really believed what Jesus believes about people and how to approach them. We must altogether stop making pronouncements; we must stop publishing our stance; we must stop calling out people we don’t agree with; and we must, at all cost, say to anyone who puts his faith in Jesus that we are all a part of one big, weird, wacko family of ruffians. And when we do, the world might judge us as finally worthy to hang out with. (KL 1253-1256)

Our Clandestine Calling: Rethinking Reconciliation

You can tell when you’ve created God in your own image when He hates the same people you do. – Tom Weston

This is important because relinquishing your judgment requires that you see people in the context of process— even their sin and sinful patterns of behavior. Your goal should not be to completely, instantaneously change the other person but rather to encourage simple movement forward. (KL 1498-1500)

Let me ask in the simplest way I can: How can you influence people when you don’t allow them to be with you? We don’t get to keep people out of the kingdom of God, but we do get to draw people in. We cannot demonstrate the gospel while at the same time demonstrating against a person’s sin or lifestyle choices. (KL 1580-1582)

…we want the world to see His power. But it doesn’t happen when we’re afraid of culture or proud about our morals. We must instead look for every opportunity to place our way of life, based on our faith, smack-dab next to the world’s disbelief without judging or requiring them to live like us. There’s nothing to fear. God’s got this. (KL 1603-1605)

Look, I’m not trying to get you to just be neutral in the world. I want you to be able to share your faith, and I want you to wear Jesus on your sleeve. The kingdom is shown, but it is also proclaimed— and the two go hand in hand when people look each other in the eye, drop the religious BS, and are simply kind to one another. The gospel is generous and subversive, not offensive and obtrusive. (KL 1621-1623)

What about All the Butts, I Mean Buts?

Jesus was an advocate for sinners when they were under judgment or isolation from other religious people. Be it the woman caught in adultery or all the tax collectors in town, Jesus defended anyone who was ostracized or minimized, and He wants you to do the same. The best way to bring this up is not to bring it up but to simply engage those who are under judgment. The word will get out, and when other friends or family members bring it up (and they will), that’s a really cool time to simply say, “I love him because I know God does.” They may spit and sputter, and over time you’ll either influence the way they think or you won’t, but the person you are loving will always remember the Jesus follower who didn’t judge him. And that will pay off. (KL 1736-1741)

The Final Appeal

First of all, for most of my life I thought the job of a Christian was to err on the side of truth… If I made truth the main thing, then I didn’t have to worry about my posture with people— I didn’t have to relate to them, befriend them, or include them in my life. But as a father and a friend, I’ve learned that truth is received only when it is presented from a posture of love. I don’t believe love is more important than truth, but I now believe that love must come before truth. That’s what the incarnation of Jesus shows us. He came as love to us, as a friend, and therefore (meaning, after that) we began to accept His truth. (KL 1873-1879)

Halter concludes his book by answering a question he posed at the beginning. How should we respond if asked to attend a gay friend’s wedding? I imagine you might guess his position, but, if you have been intrigued by my summary, perhaps you will want to read the entire book. It’s worth your time.

Life on Mission

Life on Mission: Joining the Everyday Mission of God

by Dustin Willis and Aaron Coe

Life on Mission is a great introduction to missional living. The book is divided into four sections:

  • The Big Picture – an overview
  • Gospel Foundations – which stresses the priority of understanding, believing, living by, and preaching the true Gospel
  • Mission Practices – four areas of practice
  • Ministry Steps – practical applications

The authors’ introduction mentions that the book is aimed at the rank and file of the Body of Christ, everyday Christians who are called to be disciple makers.

We realized that within our community a large event or new program wouldn’t bring consistent transformation, but believers banding together to take responsibility for their dot on the map would. [3. Kindle Locations 196-198)]

In the sections below, I chose to mainly insert quotes from the book. This should give you an idea of what is covered. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that I have read many similar books and what I picked for quotes are what struck me as interesting and important. Another reader may be impacted differently; so, I recommend that you to read the book for yourself.

Section One: The Big Picture

Chapter One: The Everyday Missionary

Therefore, the mission of God requires that believers leverage their lives for His glory. The Great Commission is not for a select few; it is for the entirety of the church. The movement of God’s mission sweeps across everyday, ordinary lives to draw in business people, soccer moms, grandmothers, neighbors, students, lawyers, teachers, baristas, contractors, white collar, blue collar, or no collar at all. Regular people like you and me united by the one who lifts the curse of the fall. Filled with His spirit, laying down our lives, denying ourselves for the mission of God and the good of others. This is the invitation. [4. Kindle Locations 261-265]

Everyday missionaries are those who practice life on mission where God has placed them, whether that be at an office complex, a developing country, or a college campus. It is incumbent on every believer to have an “all hands on deck” mentality in order for the mission to reach its fullest potential. [5. Kindle Locations 268-270]

Life on mission is about intersecting gospel intentionality into our everyday routines. [6. Kindle Location 294]

Living life on mission should be driven not out of guilty obligation, but rather out of embracing the identity and purpose given to us in Christ. [7. Kindle Locations 298-299]

The authors assert that many people who are dodging their responsibility to obey the Great Commission fall into one of three camps.

  • The “I’m not a professional” camp
  • The “I’m too busy pondering” camp
  • The “Why are we doing this? camp

About the second, he writes about a fictional Chris.

Chris is passionate about learning as much about God as he can. He feels that knowledge about God will be his secret to his future ministry success. He loves going to seminars, reading books, and studying theology. He loves to talk about spiritual things with other believers, but his involvement in actual ministry is minimal. He goes to church, of course, but to say he is on mission with God would be a lie. He has no intentional relationships and hasn’t had a conversation with a nonbeliever in months. Though he goes “deep” in theology, he has forgotten to apply any of it to his life. [8. Kindle Locations 306-310]

In keeping with the purpose of the book, the authors state that the church must embrace simplicity if it is going to be effective.

We recognize that mission and discipleship have been overly programmed and made excessively complicated, and we have no desire to do either of those. In the Scriptures, we do not see a syllabus for a program, but rather a gospel-rich missionary process. [9. Kindle Locations 328-329]

Our mission is driven by the truth of the gospel and defined by the mission of God. God’s mission is to take what is broken and redeem it—not simply to make it better but to make it new. And the exciting part is that God Himself invites us to follow Him into a broken world as we live LIFE ON MISSION! [10. Kindle Locations 342-344]

Chapter Two: The Current Reality

Our role as everyday missionaries is to introduce people to Jesus, actively be part of their journey to become like Christ, and teach them to repeat the process with others. This is the desired reality, but before we move forward we must honestly examine the current reality of the mission field known as North America. [11. Kindle Locations 352-355]

Declining numbers and evangelical regression can lead to frustration and mission paralysis for the church. We must remember that our God is still God and His desire for movement through His church can trump any current realities. [12. Kindle Locations 415-417]

Chapter Three: The Mission of God

As we are changed and freed, we are compelled to be where He is—right in the middle of the greatest rescue mission ever given. How crazy is it that we are invited into this mission? Not only are we reconciled to God, but we are also drafted to be missionaries alongside Him, spreading the same good news that rescued us from our self-made destruction. [13. Kindle Location 474-477]

Chapter Four: Kingdom Realignment

Why don’t we embrace God’s mission? Because, frankly, we have our own mission. We have our own way of calling the shots. We decide what’s meaningful or worthwhile and order our lives accordingly. Some people’s life mission is to pursue entertainment and comfort. For others it’s security or wealth. For others it may be rising up the corporate ladder or being the most respected mom in the neighborhood. We like to be the boss of our own lives. [14. Kindle Locations 499-502]

Repent, because the kingdom already has a King, and you and I are not it. If we are ever going to get swept up into God’s kingdom, we will have to let go of our own. Our own ways of seeing and approaching our lives will have to be radically reoriented. [15. Kindle Locations 507-510]

Section Two: Gospel Foundations

Chapter Five: The Gospel

The more we grasp what Jesus has done for us and in us, the more we will be compelled by grace to clearly communicate Jesus to those around us. [15. Kindle Locations 701-702]

The gospel is the heart of the Bible. Everything in Scripture is either preparation for the gospel, presentation of the gospel, or participation in the gospel.5 The summation of the Scriptures is the message of the gospel; therefore, the gospel should transform every fabric of our lives. It reaches every facet of our being and leaves nothing untouched. Jesus doesn’t make us halfway new, He makes us fully new. [16. Kindle Locations 861-864]

Chapter Six: Spiritual Maturity

A big view of God is the starting point for mission. [17. Kindle Location 935]

Theology professor Keith Whitfield supports this idea: “We will not be able to recover a vision and passion for missions until we recover the grandeur that God made us to know and worship Him and make Him known throughout the whole earth.” [18. Kindle Locations 948-950]

Many of us live under the weight of failure because our success metrics are derived from the wrong source. Understanding God is in control of all things will work as a great starting point toward freedom from those metrics and, ultimately, grow us toward maturity. And a sign of that maturity is accepting that God is sovereign over your mission. There is not one ounce of it that He has not orchestrated. [19. Kindle Locations 968-971]

Chapter Seven: Biblical Community

When my wife and I (Dustin) moved to Atlanta, God blessed us with an incredible avenue for mission, also known as our neighborhood. We regularly invite our neighbors plus families in our church community group to cookouts in our front yard. We are intentional about inviting our community group because (1) we want to encourage other Christians to engage with their neighbors; (2) we know that some people may have greater connection with our neighbors than we do; (3) we desire to display Jesus through our group to our neighbors. [20. Kindle Locations 1157-1160]

Chapter Eight: Intentional Discipleship

The life of the church and the mission of the church are inexorably bound within the all-encompassing reality of discipleship. Growth and discipleship cannot happen apart from Christian community, and your church’s mission to make disciples can only be truly accomplished in the context of a community centered on the gospel. There are no “professional Christians” or “disciple-making specialists” who do all the work. Anyone in need of sanctification (everyone) must submit to discipleship under Christ within the context of biblical community, and anyone submitted to discipleship under Christ will obediently apply their gifts and personality to make disciples of friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. No exceptions. [21. Kindle Locations 1223-1229]

And just as we are continually transformed by Christ’s shaping us in biblical community, we continually seek for others to be reconciled to God and transformed just as we are—this is disciple-making. [22. Kindle Locations 1253-1255]

Jesus was a great model for disciple-making. His ministry strategy was to pick twelve people and spend a ton of time with them. He didn’t give them a manual or send them to a conference; He just did life with them. [23. Kindle Locations 1263-1265]

Section Three: Mission Practices

Chapter Nine: Identify

People who live on mission are always on the move toward others. They don’t wait for the world to come to them, they seek and find the people who have needs. [24. Kindle Locations 1342-1343]

Your life on mission will require that you “go to the other side” for people. The people who need your help are not necessarily going to show up on your doorstep, so you have to identify them where they are and move toward them. [25. Kindle Locations 1347-1349]

When we combine our natural rhythms or passions with the gospel and use them to build relationships, powerful things can happen. Our passions or placement (where we live, where we go) can help us identify opportunities for sharing the gospel. [26. Kindle Locations 1428-1430]

Jesus’ social economy is completely the opposite. It’s about descending, not ascending. It’s not about looking to see what you can get from others, but identifying how you can give to others. It’s about pressing out toward the margins—to the people who need love and friendship. [27. Kindle Locations 1451-1453]

The powerhouse of a great move of God starts with prayer. The fuel of our mission is prayer. One of the best activities you can do as an everyday missionary is to walk or ride through your neighborhood and ask God to show you what He sees. [28. Kindle Locations 1465-1466]

Chapter Ten: Invest

[We must] understand that those who have been made right with God through Jesus will disadvantage themselves for the advantage of others. [29. Kindle Locations 1515-1516]

Over and over throughout the Gospels, we see that while Jesus consistently poured His life into the people closest to Him, He sacrificially served all those whom His life intersected. [30. Kindle Locations 1519-1520]

Being on mission is not always about going to a specific place—it’s about being intentional where you are. That’s investment. And investment is always intentional. It’s a lifestyle choice. [31. Kindle Locations 1538-1539]

If you’re having trouble figuring out how to invest in those around you, try this simple tool: Ask people how you can pray for them. When you’re building relationship with neighbors, coworkers, or friends, simply say, “Hey, this may seem weird to you, but I’m a Christian so I pray for people. Is there anything I can pray for you about?” Even non-Christians will oftentimes gladly accept prayer and respond to this question with genuine things that are going on in their lives. Many times this question leads to great conversations and a deeper relationship. [32. Kindle Locations 1575-1579]

Chapter Eleven: Invite

God Himself is on a rescue mission as He invites people into right relationship with Him. Joining God in His mission will require that we become willing to extend the invitation to others. [33. Kindle Locations 1627-1629]

Chapter Twelve: Increase

A simple way to see a movement of new believers is to raise up the new disciples in strong biblical foundations and to send them out to repeat the missionary process of identifying, investing, inviting, and increasing. The previous statement is not a job description for a pastor but rather the intent given to every believer of the gospel. [34. Kindle Locations 1782-1784]

The practical step of increase is all about starting the process again by sending people to identify, invest, and invite their friends and family into new communities. [35.Kindle Locations 1828-1830]

Intentionality in increasing the number of people living on mission is central to seeing the kingdom impacted. This will not happen by itself, and we need to equip and develop people as much as possible. [36. Kindle Locations 1843-1844]

Section Four: Ministry Steps

Chapter Thirteen: Pitfalls and Plans

In this chapter the authors list several pitfalls to avoid in launching into mission. The appendix contains a six-week study guide if any leader wishes to take a small group through the book as an exercise in developing a missional understanding and practice.

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