The Startling and Liberating Conclusion – The Earth Is a Plane

If you have been reading this series of articles, you probably already deduced my conclusion: the earth is a plane, not a globe as we have been brainwashed into believing.

And they came up on the broad plain [Greek - plateau] of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, and fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10 And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Revelation 20:9–10 (NASB95)

It is just what the Bible says it is – a fixed or non-rotating stretched out plane of unknown breadth with a rim or edge (an ice wall – the real Antarctica that is off limits to all private exploration) that contains the seas. It has an unknown depth, which contains Sheol, and is encased by a solid firmament of unknown substance, height, and breadth that contains the sun, moon, and stars – the heavens. This is what Genesis and other scriptures tell us.

The Bible tell us that the shape of the earth is like clay upon which a seal has been pressed.

It takes on form like clay under a seal, And stands out like a garment. Job 38:14 (NKJV)

Conceiving of the earth in this way requires us to fundamentally rethink everything from a biblical perspective. At first it seems quite strange, but once one becomes accustomed to conceiving of the world according to the Bible’s teachings, it makes a lot of sense.

I know. I know. You probably think I have gone “over the edge” for sure and am foolish to publicly
acknowledge such a position. I understand that this will open me to ad hominem attacks and ridicule. I assure you that I would not do so if I did not feel compelled to share this amazing truth because it testifies to the glory of our Creator. 


The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Psalm 19:1 (NKJV)

Instead of living in a random impersonal universe produced by an ancient explosion out of nothingness, the Bible says that God spoke this earth into existence as a perfectly constructed habitation for us with everything in the heavens revolving around us in perfect synchronization, all testifying to his existence and glory. (Romans 1:20)

Like most people, I had heard of the flat earth theory, but dismissed it as being ludicrous. When a respected family member told me that she thinks it is true, I responded immediately that I could not “go there.” Later I happened upon a discussion of the topic on Rumble and decided to look into it further. At my request, my family relation gave me a link to a six-hour presentation which was extremely interesting and got the ball rolling, but we (Martha and I) had a LOT of questions.


When we finally saw that it can be proved that water does not curve or bend, the light bulb turned on. If water does not bend, we do not live on a globe. It’s all a lie.

Some of these proofs of the flatness of water can be found in the video below entitled Flat Earth and the ImpossiBall. Perhaps my favorite one is the simplest and, in my thinking, the most elegant – still water reflecting a perfect image of distant mountains, which could not happen if the surface of water curves at the expected rate of 8 inches times the mileage squared. (In an effort to confuse, globalists sometimes insist that this formula is not correct, but it produces the same result as spherical trigonometry and is far simpler to use. You can check it by using an earth curvature calculator.) At three miles, if the earth were indeed a globe, there should be 6 feet of curvature – 8 inches X 3 X 3 divided by 12 inches to give feet. If curvature were indeed present in the photo below, the bottom part of the mountain would reflect at an upward angle and could not be seen by the camera, producing an imperfect reflection. But as you can see, the calm water is a perfect mirror. It is a perfectly flat plane.

We spent several weeks reading books and watching videos, along with using our own common sense, and are now convinced that the earth is indeed a plane, just as the Bible teaches. (See my previous articles.)

Once we determine that the globe cannot possibly exist, it is just a matter of trying to answer the myriad of questions that quite naturally arise. How does everything on the flat earth work? The Bible gives us a lot of clues, but no human can solve every problem or answer every question, but neither can those who insist that the earth is a spinning globe. The globe position now seems utterly ridiculous to me, and I cannot believe that I unquestioningly believed it for so long. If you have ever tried to hang onto the outer ring of a fast spinning merry-go-round, you can easily see how ridiculous it is to believe that a force called gravity can hold trillions of gallons of water to the surface of a globular earth spinning at over 1000 mph at the equator, while at the same time allowing water droplets to ascend heavenward with two waves slap together.

Truly, Satan makes fools of us all when we stray from God’s Word! (Romans 1:22)

Realizing that the biblical earth model is correct brings me great joy and makes God seem even closer. Just as the Bible has always said, the Lord is seated on his throne above the firmament.

We will always rejoice in knowing the truth which sets us free. (John 8:31-32)

After coming to this startling realization, I went back to the Bible in earnest and began to see many scriptures in an entirely new light, especially the ones that describe the firmament. My previous articles in this series describe this journey. I wish that I came to this position purely through my study of the Bible, which might have been more praiseworthy, but I regret to say that, like many others, I was guilty of not taking God’s words as seriously as I should have, which is always a big mistake.

When a person first encounters the truth that God founded the earth on the level plane of the waters, it is almost overwhelming because we have been so effectively brainwashed from a very young age to believe in the globe.

For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters. Psalm 24:2 (NKJV)

Most of us react in defense of the globe, even though we believe the Bible. It has been drummed into us from early childhood that  we live on a spinning globe hurtling through space. The powers that be provide us with their caricature of the “flat earth,” which portrays a flat disc floating in outer space with water cascading over its sides. This laughable image was designed to ridicule what the Bible clearly teaches and to mock those who believe it. In logic, this is called a “straw man” argument, the presentation of an easily defeated misrepresentation of a position in order to induce the hearer to dismiss it without a proper consideration. The biblical model is more like the image below, which is not all to scale and is rather simplistic and inadequate – but it gets the general idea across.


The Bible nowhere tells us that there is such a thing as “outer space.” It is a figment of the imagination of astrophysicists and Hollywood. Throughout history, when people have peered into the night sky, we have tried to interpret what we see. The Bible teaches us that God placed a solid firmament over our plane earth in which he located the sun, moon, and stars – the heavens. The wonder of the heavens testifies to the glory of God who made it, not to the confusion of the Big Bang and an exploding infinitely expanding universe. We get into trouble when we accept what so-called scientists conjecture and theorize from a non-biblical perspective. These theories soon become established “laws” that are taught in our schools and indoctrinated into our culture.

As I wrote in a previous article, Copernicus’ heliocentric theory introduced a way to make the sun central instead of the earth. His theory required a unifying force that holds everything together called gravity. This became a sort of “god” that replaced the God of the Bible. The Scripture tells us that it is God who holds all things together by the word of his power. (Hebrews 1:3) The wandering stars were reclassified as “planets” and given pagan gods’ names. Heliocentrism conforms to Masonic teachings and is designed to destroy our faith in the Bible.

One main reason we think we have proof that outer space exists and the earth is a globe is because NASA and other space agencies claim that they have been there and taken photos and movies of the globular earth suspended in space rotating on its axis. If the Bible is true, their claims are lies. Plenty of people have done an admirable job of showing that NASA lied to us about a great number of things, including these images, the lunar expeditions, and the International Space Station.

If the Bible is true, man has never been beyond a relatively low journey into what exists below the firmament. Everything else you have seen is pure theater.

Images taken from balloons at extremely high altitudes that are not using fish eye lenses, always show that the earth is flat. In addition, the horizon always rises to our line of sight, no matter how high we ascend. This could not happen if the earth were a globe.

Since outer space is fake, sci-fi movies, like Gravity, look as real as what has been pawned off to us as genuine.  Below is a link to a very famous documentary exposing the Apollo missions hoax, and there are many more such videos that show astronauts suspended by wires, filmed against a “green screen,” and underwater. Once you see this fakery for what it is, you will never be able to trust NASA again. There can be no “outer space” beyond the firmament because that is where God’s throne is. The sun, moon, and stars exist in the firmament and are not millions or billions of miles away in an ever expanding universe. Either the Bible is true or what is called “science” is. I am betting on the Bible.

Every supposed photo of the globe suspended in outer space is a computer generated image. NASA has generally admitted this, but occasionally claims such an image is real. But why should we believe them now? You will encounter all sorts of “fact checker” alternate narratives, if you do online research. The gatekeepers of knowledge at Google and Big Tech have rigged the system against our discovering the truth. So-called fact checkers are paid shills of the system that is deceiving us. Even the famous “earth rise” image is CGI. They all are. In the following video, go to the 8:50 mark to see what I mean. I recommend watching it all, however. It is a very good introduction to the “flat earth” for people who are interested in finding out what it is all about, but you will need to try to overlook the misspelled words at the beginning.

As I mentioned in my previous article, what we believe regarding the earth’s shape is very important.

God designed our world to reveal his glory and open our eyes to his eternal power and nature so that we will believe in him. (Psalm 19:1-6) The Bible teaches us that in the last days God’s glory will cover the earth. Could this happen as people begin to see, perhaps for the first time, the true nature and design of our world? I have listened to testimonies of people coming to faith in God as a result of having their eyes opened to the truth about the earth’s design. Below is an account of one such journey.

As I close this article, I imagine that some of my readers are amused that people fall for such “conspiracy theories.” Others of you may be confused or alarmed that an otherwise intelligent person could go “off the rails,” so to speak. Others of you may be angry because you either have an emotional attachment to the heliocentric theory or you consider yourself to be a guardian of the truth. Some of you, I hope, take me seriously and are curious to learn more.

Lovers of truth will always be at odds with the world system and its belief system. I did not want to become a “flat earther.” Why would I choose such a path? I have prayed for years for God to remove the “shroud” of deception from the earth. Little did I realize what that would entail.

We must go wherever God’s truth leads us, or we are not serious about being Jesus’ disciples.

If you are like me, even if you are open to the possibility that what I am saying could be true, you have dozens of very good questions, and you do not want to be duped. Let me assure you that everyone who goes down this road has the same hurdles to clear. Thankfully, there are some great scientific and common sense explanations for almost all our questions that usually make far more sense than what we were taught regarding the globe. If you start researching, you will soon know more about the globe theory than those who subscribe to it in ignorance.

Most people who defend the globe have no real idea of the implications or exactly what they believe.

No one has all the answers, however. God built mystery into the world in which we live. The quest for knowledge beyond what God has revealed to us has been our downfall.

Once we discover the magnitude of the hoax regarding the earth’s design, we will be astonished and humbled by our propensity to believe a lie and angry with the perpetrators of the hoax. It reinforces the necessity of our being firmly grounded in the Bible’s teachings.

YouTube, Telegram, and Rumble have some great videos, but keep in mind that the “gatekeepers” who censor the internet do not want us to find out about this elaborate hoax. Most of what we will find by doing an internet search is negative and is designed to keep us away from the truth. Google has developed algorithms to the results for which we search. Good sites often have hoax warnings attached to them. Why, by the way, does the world care whether someone believes in a flat earth? If it’s as ridiculous as they say, will not such thinking collapse under the weight of its own foolishness? But they do care, and lots of energy is being expended to deflect us from this truth in the same way that censors tried to block us from discovering the truth about the mRNA jab and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

Below are some links that can help you get started, if you choose to do your own research. I can provide more, if you are interested. I recommend starting with the above video, The Flat Earth and the Impossiball, followed by the video below by Eric Dubay. He is not a Christian but is a very good presenter.

If you want to listen to a sermon, try the following link on Rumble – The Flat Earther: World Upside Down- The Biblical Flat Earth. The Flat Earther channel also has many other interesting videos. If you are not aware, Rumble is an alternative to YouTube that allows greater freedom of speech.

There is a vast quantity of information out there, but beware that this sort of thing also attracts weird people and very strange ideas, too. Even in the church, when God is doing something great, Satan always inserts weird or evil people (The Bible calls them “tares.”) and ideas to discredit the good. I hope this article will get you started on your personal quest to discover the truth about this subject. Once you see it, there is no going back. You cannot unsee it. What do you think will happen when more and more people come to realize that the Bible is actually true about the design of our world and its Creator? Revival? I pray so!


Pete Beck III has ministered in Burlington for over 34 years. He is married to Martha, with whom he has four children, ten beautiful grandchildren, and four amazing great grandchildren. He ministers locally and travels from LifeNet as a Bible teacher and minister. He has published two books - Seeing God's Smile and Promise of the Father - as well as a wide variety of Bible-related articles which he has compiled into books in PDF form. Currently he is working on a large Bible Teaching Manual.

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