You may be wondering why I call this site “Third Peter.” I am the third in a long line of Pete Becks, going back to my grandfather and extending to my grandson, Pete V. Even though my father, Pete Beck Jr. now has gone to be with the Lord, it has always been necessary to label me “the third” to keep me separate from him – hence, the website name.

In case you are interested, I began life in Tuscaloosa, AL and spent my early boyhood in the small town of Demopolis, AL. At the age of twelve, my family moved to Greensboro, NC, which to me was the “big” city.” Little did we know that our ancestors settled this area prior to the American Revolution.

I met the woman who would become my wife and mother of our children when I walked through the door of my seventh grade classroom. Martha and I were married in 1973, a couple of years after she led me to Jesus back in the Spring of 1971. Jesus baptized me in the Holy Spirit the ensuing Fall, all while attending Duke University. Yes, the Spirit is able to do amazing things even at Duke!

Jesus called me to the full-time ministry the next year, which eventually came to pass when I became an assistant pastor under my father at Maranatha Church in Greensboro in 1985. We started Maranatha Christian Academy shortly thereafter, where I was the principal. In 1988, I was commissioned to launch a Bible study in Burlington, NC, which eventually developed into Liberty Church in May, 1989, and is now Life Community Network (dba LifeNet). We are a small group based network focusing on developing disciples and fishing for people. In 2023 I stepped down from being the lead person, and turned the pastoral responsibilities over to my son-in-law, Anton Janssen.

I continue to teach, write, counsel, and do what I can to support Anton in the local church where we reside and to strengthen the Body of Christ wherever I may be invited. I enjoy walking, writing, gardening, and playing golf. I also love to read, occasionally compose songs, and paint with watercolors. (Check out

God has blessed my wife Martha and me with four exceptional children, ten amazing grands, and three great-grandchildren with another on the way. We reside in Burlington, NC.

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