We enter the new year with great expectations of what God will do and concern regarding what Satan and his cohorts will try to pull off. Wherever God is at work, there is warfare and confusion caused by our archenemy, the accuser of the brethren and deceiver of the world. Thankfully, God has already won.
While we await the return of our Lord, we must never forget that Satan’s primary objective is to destroy our allegiance to God and his Word.
Jesus warned us that he will judge us in this area.
For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels. Luke 9:26 (NKJV)
What does it mean to be ashamed of Jesus’ words. In 2024 I gained a deeper understanding of that. I discovered that many of us who call ourselves Christians are ashamed of what the Bible teaches about the creation and nature of the heavens and earth. We try to avoid embarrassment by contorting Scripture to make it conform to generally accepted astrophysics. We may even convince ourselves that we are being honest when we do this, but the Lord is not fooled.
It is not enough to simply believe “in” Jesus. Even the devil does that. The real test is whether we will believe and live by his words, or just pay them lip service.
Our Lord knew that his purpose for coming to earth was to die for our sins and rise again after three days as the Lord of Lords to restore mankind and the Creation back to his Father. How did he know this? He relied completely upon was what is written in the Bible.
Jesus had absolute confidence in the truthfulness of God’s Word – all of it. He taught that it cannot be “broken.” (John 10:35)
Leading up to his death, he told his disciples that everything would happen to him as was written.
Then He took the twelve aside and said to them, “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man will be accomplished. Luke 18:31 (NKJV)
As he hung upon the cross, enduring the mockery and taunts of his enemies and the excruciating pain of crucifixion, feeling his life blood drain away, he clung to God’s promises in the Bible. Our Lord “risked” his life, ministry, reputation, and eternity – everything – on the truthfulness of God’s Word. He asks us to do the same.
As the “second Adam,” the progenitor of a new edition of humanity, Jesus passed the test the first man and woman failed: he rejected the lure of Satan’s lies and gave full allegiance to God and his Word.
After he rose from the dead, he appeared to two discouraged disciples on the road to Emmaus and gently rebuked their despondency, indicating that it was rooted in their failure to believe the Word of God.
Then He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” 27 And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. Luke 24:25–27 (NKJV)
Faith resides in the heart. It surpasses what the intellect can comprehend. Only those whose hearts are open are able to receive and believe God’s words. To everyone else, the written Word seems to be foolish. (1 Corinthians 1:21-23)
I am convinced that the Holy Spirit is challenging us today to lay aside our fears and embarrassment and show loyalty to every single word of God.
Jesus gained victory over Satan’s temptations by quoting the following important verse.
But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’ ” Luke 4:4 (NKJV)
We are not allowed to pick and choose which words of the Bible we are going to believe. We either believe all of it, or everything in the Bible comes into question.
The Lord warned us against invalidating God’s written word with our man-made traditions.
Then he said, “You skillfully sidestep God’s law in order to hold on to your own tradition. ...13 And so you cancel the word of God in order to hand down your own tradition. And this is only one example among many others.” Mark 7:9,13 (NLT)
We may be guilty of placing men’s traditions ahead of the Word of God in more areas than just religious matters.
Anything that is handed down from one generation to the next that contradicts God’s Word is an anti-God tradition of men.
For example, when Charles Darwin proposed his anti-biblical theory of biological evolution in the 1800’s, many in the church stood firm against that lie that all living beings self-generated out of inanimate matter over eons of time, which was also an assault on the Bible’s young earth timeline. As the years passed, however, despite its never having been proven and its violating proven scientific laws, such as entropy, the deception has grown and is endlessly propagandized by leading scientists, educators, and media pundits. Our children are thoroughly brainwashed into this false narrative by the public school system.
It should be clear to us who adhere to the Bible that the purpose of the lie of biological evolution is to obscure God and his glory as Creator. Those who deny God and antagonistically suppress the truth of creation jumped on the evolution train, seeing it as the vehicle that would carry atheism to new levels of acceptance, and they were right. This unproven anti-biblical theory is now taught as fact and believed by countless millions all over the earth.
In addition, even Christians have accepted the more foundational lie that the Bible is not a good source for scientific truth, only religious principles.
In other words, they say that God’s Word is purely subjective and unprovable, unlike what is called “science.” The irony is breathtaking: it is impossible to prove evolution, but it is accepted without question. It has become a religion, which must be believed in order to progress in the secular world. This is the power of the lie. Anything that helps people deny God’s existence and rule is gleefully accepted and mandated. Bible-believing Christians are often labeled as ignorant rubes, if we do not go along with the deception.
Many who call themselves followers of Christ, only God knows the heart, cave to the lie and reinterpret the Bible through the lens of biological evolution, denying the clear teaching of literal days and nights in Genesis in favor of indefinable eons of time. When we do this, we elevate man’s opinions of what is falsely called “science” above the God’s inerrant Word in the Bible.
This is the sin of negating the Bible for the sake of a tradition of men.
When we do this, we invent ways to confuse what before had been quite clear and twist Bible truth into a satanic lie.
The devil has not changed his tactics. He still manipulates us the way he did Eve by making us feel stupid for accepting what God says, instead of trying to figure out things for ourselves or going along with the wisdom of men.
Thankfully, I am part of a group of Christians who reject Darwin’s evolutionary narrative of the origin of life. We have come down on the side of the Word of God on this matter. However, to my great disappointment, some of us still embrace other elements of evolutionary thought.
It is fashionable today, even among some of those who confidently reject biological evolution, to compromise the biblical account of creation in favor of widely accepted evolutionary cosmological theories of the origin and design of the heavens and earth, such as the Big Bang theory.
Recently I was conversing with a fellow believer who said he believes in the Big Bang theory, which completely contradicts Genesis One. (I have written more about this elsewhere.) I responded that I do not believe in the Big Bang, but we did not have time to talk further. Hopefully we can discuss this in the future so I can better understand how he justifies rejecting the Genesis One account of creation.
Many of us have abandoned the Word of God and surrendered our minds and hearts to unproven and anti-biblical cosmological theories without flinching.
We use such excuses as that the writers of the Bible were “pre-scientific” and did not understand how things really work to justify our disloyalty to the Bible. We try to justify our abandonment of the Word of God by saying that the biblical authors described events as they observed and understood them (phenomenologically), rather than as they really were (“scientifically”). If this way of handling the scriptures is valid, then how do we know if anything in the Bible is actually true? Perhaps the resurrection did not really happen either, but was just an unscientific attempt to describe what the authors of the gospels did not scientifically understand. I trust we can all see the fallacy of this line of thought.
Either God spoke the truth about the origin and nature of the cosmos in Genesis and elsewhere in the Bible, or everything in the Bible is called into question. And this is exactly the direction Satan wants lead us. He knows that rejecting Genesis One opens the door to rejecting the entire Bible and God.
Maybe those of us who already believe that Jesus is Lord can juggle these inconsistencies somehow, but those who listen to the church’s arguments against believing the Genesis One account understand that such a position invalidates the Bible and the gospel. This is a great evil in which I too unwittingly participated for many years. I have repented and write this in the hope of helping others see the light.
Deception is getting more pervasive and harder to detect, requiring us to completely rely upon the truth of God’s written Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Taking a stand for biblical truth brings honor and glory to God and protects us from being swept away by satanic lies.
I believe that taking God at his word regarding the creation and nature of the heavens and earth is going to be critical now and in the future as more and more emphasis likely will be put on the reality of aliens from what is called outer space.
I cannot predict the future, but I think it is likely that the powers that be will tell the world that space aliens do indeed exist and have been in contact with us for a long time. Their supposed “proven” existence will provide the devil with yet another argument against the Bible, which will fool many. The deception even may include a pretended invasion by these supposed extraterrestrials. Hollywood has been preparing us to accept this scenario for decades. If this happens, and I hope it does not, Christians who believe the Bible’s account of the heavens and earth will not be deceived like the rest of the world. We know that there are no such alien beings, but only demons or other known entities posing as a such. We will know not to bow to anyone or anything, demon or human, that purports to be our savior or lord. No antichrist will be able to steal our hearts. We will only bow the knee to the one and only Lord Jesus, the King of Kings!
For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones. 25 See, I have warned you about this ahead of time. Matthew 24:24–25 (NLT)
We cannot say that we were not warned.