Is Science vs Religion a Real Thing?

When I first published my conviction that the earth is a stationary plane rather than a globe, I met some stiff resistance. I was told that my “flat earth” beliefs were religious in nature because I was not open to contrary evidence. I suppose it was meant to be somehow derogatory, but was interesting that it came from a firm believer in Christ, his resurrection, a six-day creation, and everything else that goes with being a Bible believer.

Some believe that science is not religious, but, in fact, this is not true.

For example, one of the “fathers” of modern astrophysics was Albert Einstein. When he and his contemporaries were confronted with the confounding results of the Michelson-Morley experiment, which indicated that the earth is not in motion, he devised his now famous theory of special relativity to explain away the unwelcome results. In doing so, he remarked that he “knew” that the earth is moving. In other words, he had an a priori belief that the Copernican heliocentric view is correct, complete with the earth’s supposed revolution around the sun, rotation around its axis, the movement of the entire solar system through the Milky Way galaxy, and the movement of our galaxy through the universe. He set about disproving the results of a scientific experiment by “proving” what he assumed to be true, which is a logical fallacy. In so doing, he attempted to use advanced math to demonstrate that a metal container changed shape, thus nullifying the results of the experiment. This seems to be quite absurd, unless one religiously accepts his a priori belief, but it has been accepted by most of the scientific community as proof that the earth indeed moves by “proving” that we cannot experimentally prove whether the sun if moving or the earth, since all such motion is relative. In other words, he asks us to dismiss the results of a solid scientific experiment, which has been repeated many times, in order to hold on to his a priori belief. If I am not mistaken, this is what I was accused of doing.

Some of Einstein’s contemporaries were not fooled by his mathematical magic trick. Nicolai Tesla, whom I consider to be the preeminent scientist of his day, dismissed Einstein’s work as nonsense.

Another group of scientists in Europe signed a document disavowing Einstein’s work as being unscientific.

God created us to be people of faith. The desire to move beyond faith into experimental knowledge apart from divine revelation is what destroyed Adam and Eve’s Edenic existence. Since then, it seems that human beings are in a continual quest to escape the confines of God’s Word. (Click here to read more extensively on this subject.) Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton did not wish to be limited in their understanding by what the Bible says. Instead they invented theories of the nature of the cosmos that contradict biblical testimony. Sadly many so-called “Bible believing” Christians believe what these men say instead of what the Bible says, not realizing that modern astrophysics, like the Bible, rests on a priori beliefs or presuppositions.

We can say we value science over religion, but the truth is that we have simply replaced one religious system of beliefs with another. The way God made us, we cannot escape the requirement to put our faith in something. I choose God and the Bible. How about you?

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Pete Beck III ministered as a pastor and Bible teacher in Burlington for over 34 years. He is married to Martha, with whom he has four children, ten beautiful grandchildren, and four amazing great grandchildren. He ministers in his local church as a Bible teacher and counselor. He has published two books - Seeing God's Smile and Promise of the Father - as well as a wide variety of Bible-related articles which he has compiled into books in PDF form.

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