Con men are experts at telling us what we want to hear and preying our naivete, compassion, greed, pride, and other weaknesses. All of us have been conned at one time or another, mostly by the devil. Every time we sin, we take another bite from the big lie that “sin gives life.” Adam and Eve were conned into disobeying God in the first “get rich quick” scheme. He promised them they would instantly become “like God,” knowing good and evil for themselves, instead of having to do what God told them to do all the time. The devil promised them greener grass on the other side of the obedience fence, which, in fact, turned out to be a barren and lonely wasteland.
One of the great con jobs of the last 500 years was the Copernican Revolution and all that followed. The devil tempted us once again to throw aside the confines of God’s words written in the Bible and to embark on the thrilling journey of figuring out the cosmos for ourselves.
(I wrote more on man’s quest to free himself from God’s Word here.)
The Bible teaches us that the earth is the epicenter of God’s creation, made especially for humans. The mighty dome of the firmament, a safe enclosure which allows for the pressurization of the atmosphere, was made on day two. On day four, God placed the sun, moon, and stars in the heavens. God stocked his amazing terrarium with living things, including man and woman last of all. The Bible teaches us that God is the “Most High,” occupying the uppermost heavenly realm above the firmament. (I have written extensively on the nature of the firmament and of heaven in previous articles. You can click on the links to read them if you desire.) From his position above the earth, God carefully watches over everything. This is what God tells us is the origin and nature of the cosmos, which was believed by the ancients and the authors of the Bible.
Enter Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, et al. Believing they were smarter than the Bible, they began to seek an alternate explanation, one they would figure out on their own. They thought that circles were the perfect geometric figures and were offended by the “retrograde” motionĀ the paths the “planets” took in the heavens, not realizing that a toroidal electromagnetic force field can produce exactly those kinds of motions. (We are still trying to figure out the way the heavens work in God’s creation, but many suspect we live in such an electromagnetic world, rather that what we have been led to believe.)
To “cut to the chase,” eventually we were told that the “universe” in which we live is completely different from what the Bible teaches us. The earth not the center of things. We are not stationary. We are not safely enclosed in a dome, and God is not watching over us from his heavenly position above the firmament. Instead, we are a globe hurtling through “outer space” (consider the Bible term “outer darkness”) at incomprehensible speeds in multiple directions, covered by a quite flimsy atmosphere held in place by a mysterious new force called gravity, in danger of being exterminated by an impact from asteroids, comets, and sun flares. God is nowhere in sight and heaven is a spiritual place somewhere in the vastness of the universe, if it is there at all. We no longer can use such terms as up and down, except in a relative way. Does this sound like God or someone else?
It is no wonder that anti-biblical Copernicanism laid the groundwork for the Big Bang theory, evolution, and atheism.
Instead of God’s being the center of everything, we are told that we are held in the grip of a very large and powerful star called the sun, otherwise known as Helios or Sol Invictus in pagan thought. (The Bible says that the sun is unique, not just another star.) We are just one of several bodies known as planets circling the sun. The word planet comes from the Greek word planetes, which means wandering. Each of these so-called planets have the names of pagan gods, the earth being placed smack dab in the middle of them, all of which are beholden to the sun god, Helios or Sol Invictus.
Can you see how the heliocentric lie has turned God’s biblical cosmology upside down? Rather than being under God’s watchful eye, we are held by the awesome power of the false God Helios. We are not God’s special creation. Rather we are just one of many wandering pagan entities in our little “Sol-ar” system, all held in place by the power of Sol Invictus, the pagan sun god.
Copernican cosmology is nothing short of pagan idolatry.
And just to reinforce my point, here is a quote from Copernicus himself.
You can read a longer article of mine about Heliocentric idolatry by clicking here.