It’s Greek to Me

Sometimes I tell a joke that goes like this.

Me: I can say at least one phrase in every known language, except for Greek.

Other Person: Okay, say something in Swahili?

Me: It’s Greek to me.

When my kids were small, sometimes we would play cops and robbers. They pretended to shoot me, but no matter how close they were, I would move my eyes as if following their bullet right around me. They could never hit me. That may be humorous in such situations, but when we do the same thing as adults when confronted by unwelcome truth, it is not funny at all.

In my previous article, I introduced the idea of a “black swan,” which represents contradictory evidence to a stated truth. But what if a person with whom I am talking says every time that the black swan is not really black. It’s just covered with oil. No matter how many black swans I may present, each time I am rebutted with the same argument. They are all covered with oil. Even if I closely examine the black swan to show that it has no oil on it, my friend may say, “Well, it was covered with oil, which dyed its feathers black. There are no black swans.” One would soon realize that there is no point discussing the matter any further.

This has been my experience when I share flat earth evidence. No matter how convincing my proof, it is always dismissed as being “doctored” video or, in the case of seeing farther than the globe model would allow, refraction or lensing. The refraction argument has been used ad infinitum to try to explain away everything from seeing the Chicago skyline from 65 miles away to selenelion eclipses.

Refraction is a real thing, but it does not explain away flat earth evidence, as so often claimed. Below is an excellent video on the subject by Ben at Taboo Conspiracy.

When we dismiss clear evidence that refutes a previously believed position, it shows that we are brainwashed.

Part of the reason we have such difficulty accepting that the earth is not a globe is because we cannot believe that institutions and people we trust could be actively deceiving us, especially on such a grand scale. We think that surely the truth would have been “outed” by now. Let me assure you that deception on a grand scale exists everywhere, but the whistleblowers are either eliminated, isolated, ridiculed, or dismissed.

Most people are more comfortable believing a lie that confronting one.

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Pete Beck III ministered as a pastor and Bible teacher in Burlington for over 34 years. He is married to Martha, with whom he has four children, ten beautiful grandchildren, and four amazing great grandchildren. He ministers in his local church as a Bible teacher and counselor. He has published two books - Seeing God's Smile and Promise of the Father - as well as a wide variety of Bible-related articles which he has compiled into books in PDF form.

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