At the time of this writing, for about a year I have held a view of the earth and heavens that I believe corresponds to Genesis, rather than to the generally accepted position of modern astrophysics. This means that I am no longer a heliocentrist or believe that the earth is a rotating globe hurtling through space at enormous speeds in compound directions.
Some of my friends and family have come to believe as I, but others think I am “crazy” or deceived. Perhaps I have become an embarrassment to some. I have been mocked and a recipient of angry rebuttals and sly smiles. I mistakenly thought that my years as a Bible teacher would give me some credence, but I discovered that is often not true. It appears that this issue is a “sacred cow” that is best left undisturbed.
I began to wonder if this is a hill to die on or something to be left alone for a while. My relative silence may have been misinterpreted as a surrender to heliocentric “orthodoxy,” especially after what has been labeled “The Final Experiment,” but I have not changed my stance. I still hold firmly to what I believe the Bible teaches and have observed mountains of evidence to support my faith. Perhaps my stand will help others think again about what they believe and come to a knowledge of the truth.
I have come to believe that it is quite impossible to be a heliocentrist and accept the clear teachings about where we live that are found in Genesis and elsewhere in the Bible.
We must choose whether we will make the Biblical position our starting point in our quest for truth. If we begin with the generally accepted heliocentric model, as do most Christians, we will discover that we must reject a literal rendering of Genesis. Most do this in a way that might seem plausible but is nothing more than self-deception. I should know. I unwittingly did it for years.
We make an end run around the truth by claiming that Genesis is not intended to be accepted as literally true. In other words, God told us a lie because he figured we were too ignorant to comprehend the truth. If this is so, it means that nothing in the Bible can be regarded as absolutely true, which is exactly what the devil wants us to conclude. We cannot have it both ways. The Bible cannot be true, but Genesis be untrue.
Nevertheless, most Christians seem to feel quite comfortable in doing this, while at the same time affirming that they believe that every word of the Bible is infallibly true. The devil must be laughing at our duplicity. How easy we are to fool.
If we decide that the Word of God the sole arbiter of truth, we will end up in an entirely different place.
We will question what is called “science” instead of the Bible. We will believe that the Bible means what it says and says what it means. If the sun was created on the fourth day, we understand that the Big Bang and heliocentrism is a lie. It really is that simple.
The reason that so many Christians have great difficulty accepting the biblical position is because we have been brainwashed since infancy to believe the heliocentric model. It takes great courage to go against what the masses accept as obviously true and settled science. No other stand for truth has cost me as much as this one, which indicates to me how important this truth is.
Many say that it makes no difference whether we believe in heliocentrism and the globe or in the biblical model. The only reason a person would say that is because they believe the biblical model is false. Once a person sees through the lie, it becomes clear how important this truth is.
One has to ask why this deception has been propagated for the last five hundred years. It is because it is a lie upon which hinges so many other deceptions. It hides the Creator who can more perfectly be known by comprehending his actual creation, not some imaginary distortion. It breeds other lies such as our relative insignificance in the vast universe. It makes man and the earth seem almost inconsequential, when the truth is that we are the center of God’s creation and purposes. It has led to many rejecting God’s existence altogether. It also sets the stage for us to believe that we are in constant danger from being obliterated by a random comet or asteroid, or of being invaded by aliens from “deep space.” Those who seek to enslave us want us to be afraid so they can convince us to surrender our freedoms to them.
Once we understand that we are in an enclosed environment overseen by the Most High God, the Creator, these fears disappear. Those who see the Creator in his creation are encouraged to know him, love him, and serve him.
Adopting a biblical cosmology is perhaps one of the most important things we will ever do, aside from putting our faith and allegiance in Christ.
I encourage you to be willing to lay aside your long held presuppositions about the nature of the earth and heavens and open your heart to receive what the Bible teaches, even if it contradicts what we previously believed – especially if it does. If we ask the Holy Spirit to instruct us, I am sure he will. He promises to guide us into all truth.
Holy Spirit, I ask you to guide me into the truth regarding the earth and the heavens. Amen.