Introduction to Biblical Cosmology

A series like this needs an introduction. Why did I put together these articles on developing a biblical cosmology? I am glad you asked. A funny thing happened to me on my discipleship journey. Someone I respect told me that the earth is flat. Naturally, like you, I scoffed at such an idea, replying, ” I cannot go there.” Sometime later I watched two clear thinking individuals on a Rumble channel discussing flat earth. They said they were almost convinced, but not quite. That stirred my curiosity enough to start researching pro-flat-earth videos as an interested skeptic.

Most people have a caricature in mind when introduced to the flat earth. It is one carefully concocted by those guarding the globe earth fantasy. We have all seen pictures like this. A flat earth floating in outer space having no edges with water overflowing it. If this is what comes to your mind, it is because you have been programmed since childhood to think this way. Every classroom has its mandatory globe. Since 1955, the movie and entertainment industry has incessantly promoted the idea that the earth is a globe. Propagandists know that if a lie is told often enough, in the minds of the hearer, it becomes the truth. This is what went on in Nazi Germany and what is going on around the world. We have been brainwashed.

Perhaps “flat earth” is not the ideal choice of words. That is why I call this series “Biblical Cosmology.” The earth and heavens presented in the Bible are very different from the version pounded into our heads by NASA from our infancy. Another, perhaps preferred, descriptor for where we live is a “stationary plane enclosed in a solid firmament,” but I get ahead of myself. I ask you to keep an open mind, if this is all new to you. We cannot overcome a lifetime of indoctrination in just a few minutes.

When the Bible says that Satan is a liar (John 8:44)  who deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9), it is not using poetic language. It is the absolute truth.

The globe theory of the earth and Big Bang theory of the universe, which first gained traction around 500 years ago, thanks to Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, has displaced the Bible’s account in Genesis. Today most people accept the modern astrophysicists’ version and try to accommodate Scripture to fit it somehow. This cannot honestly be done. My goal and hope is that we can all transition from what he have been told since childhood to a firm conviction that we will accept what the Bible says, no matter what.

The Bible’s Authority

The Bible is our authority in every area of life, including science. It is not a book written from man’s perspective, but from God’s. We cannot honestly claim that God said what he did in Genesis and elsewhere because people back then were not ready for the truth, since they were what some call “pre-scientific.” God gives us the truth, whether we think it is true or not. He cannot lie. He says what he means and means what he says.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16–17 (NKJV)

Every single word of God in the Bible is true. We are to live by every word that proceeds from God. If we take upon ourselves to claim that some words are not scientifically accurate, we make ourselves judges of God’s Word. What other verses will we dispose of?

It’s a slippery slope when we start down the path of rejecting some of the Bible because it offends us or makes us look ignorant in the eyes of the world.

Perhaps we are not bold enough to reject God’s Word, but instead we try to alter its meaning. Instead of allowing it to say what it clearly says (exegesis), we bend and twist it to say what we have predetermined that it will say (eisegesis). Peter warned that people would do this.

And remember, our Lord’s patience gives people time to be saved. This is what our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you with the wisdom God gave him—16 speaking of these things in all of his letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters to mean something quite different, just as they do with other parts of Scripture. And this will result in their destruction. 2 Peter 3:15–16 (NLT)

An example of this is when commentators try to make “evening and morning, the first day” into an indefinably long period of time. A similar twist is when interpreters translate the Hebrew word for firmament (raqia) into “sky” or “expanse” without the least reference to its solidity. More on this later.

The Bible tells us that we are not to provide a “private interpretation” to God’s Word.

But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, 21 for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. 2 Peter 1:20–21 (NASB95)

This means we must approach scripture with a reverence, realizing that we simply cannot lay on top of it our own preference or some scientific worldview to show us how to interpret its words. We must diligently seek to understand what God meant it to say. For this we need the Holy Spirit and an honest heart.

As disciples, we will accept what the Bible says, no matter what!


If we have been viewing Genesis and other passages of the Bible through the lens of the heliocentric view of the cosmos, we will have to make a rather huge adjustment. The authors of the Bible believed no such thing. The Hebrew conception of the earth and heavens, as believed by Moses, David, Isaiah, Daniel, etc., the ones who authored its words, looked like the image on the right according to Hebrew Bible scholars.

One of the most important principles for Bible interpretation (hermeneutics) is that the Scriptures must at least mean what the authors intended. When Moses wrote Genesis, the model of the earth enclosed in the firmament is what he meant to communicate to us regarding the nature and construction of earth and heaven. Another important hermeneutical principle is that we must take the Bible literally, except when the context makes it clear we should not. We are not permitted to relegate to symbolism what the author intended us to take literally.

Do not be overwhelmed by all that I am presenting to you up front. We will go back over these things later. Maybe by that time the shock will have worn off and you will be able to think objectively about what I am saying. Just be open to what the Bible says. That is all I ask.

The Earth’s Curvature on the Globe Model

I do not think I will ever forget watching a clear demonstration that we can see much, much farther than we are supposed to see over water, if the globe theory of the earth’s shape were actually true. Most “globers” do not know how much the earth’s surface is supposed to curve. There are websites that calculate the required amount of curvature over distance using spherical trigonometry, such as he Earth Curvature Calculator. For simplicity’s sake, the following parabolic formula works up to a distance of about 2000 miles. After that, there will be some slight discrepancies.

Easy Formula: The Earth's Predicted Curvature = 8 inches times the distance in mileage squared.

Here are some sample distances with the calculated required curvature, if the earth were indeed a globe. 8 inches equals .66 feet.

Distance Formula
Expected Curvature
1 mile 8″X1X1 8 inches
2 miles 8″X2X2 32 inches
3 miles 8″X3X3 72 inches
4 miles 8’X4X4 10.66 feet
5 miles 8″X5X5 16.66 feet
10 miles 8″X10X10 66 feet
20 miles 8″X20X20 264 feet
100 miles 8″X100X100 6600 feet
Perspective vs Curvature

When objects move away from us, because of optical perspective due to shape of our eyes, they appear to disappear from the ground or water up. Aristotle believed this was proof of the earth’s curvature. Bill Nye the Science Guy says the same thing, much to his shame. Thanks to the power of telescopes and zoom cameras, we can bring objects back into view that had disappeared due to perspective, all the way down to the hull in the water for boats. There are so many different proofs that the earth does not curve that I cannot list them all here, but, if you want to do your own research, I have placed many of them on the Resource Page connected to this series. I encourage you to check it out. Better yet, do your own empirical experiments. Below I give you a very short video demonstration, perhaps to whet your curiosity.

Also, as a warning, realize that Satan always has counter arguments to keep people away from the truth, as he did in the Garden when he flatly contradicted God’s Word. The typical counter to our being able to see so far is that it is because of refraction. Refraction, or lensing, does happen, but it cannot account for our ability to see so far. In fact, in the example below, one of the laser shots is made over ice at night when the air temperature is colder than the water (ice) temperature, a condition in which refraction cannot take place.

As you can imagine, when I realized that water does not bend around the surface of the supposed globe, my “mind was blown.” I realized that what I had been told about the globe is a lie!

That put me into a state of cognitive dissonance. I had new evidence that clearly contradicted what I had been taught by parents, teachers, TV, NASA, and renowned scientists. It went against all the supposed evidence provided by NASA of a spherical earth suspended in space. (I walk talk more about NASA’s fakery later.) As you would expect, I had a thousand questions as would anyone who is confronted with evidence that contradicts what he or she had previously believed. This new evidence indicated that the whole world has been deceived! Was I crazy? My wife and I began to investigate further.

Since NASA et. al. were the reason I had scratched my head when reading the Genesis account, we went back to the Bible to see what it really says. As you can imagine, we saw scriptures with a new set of eyes. It is all right there! We just could not see it previously because of our brainwashed condition. We had unwittingly accommodated the scriptures to conform to the heliocentric version of the cosmos or simply decided that it was “beyond our pay grade.”

Why the Lie?

One of the most frequently asked questions from anyone who is first confronted with the claims we are covering here is, “Why would there be such a massive coverup? What could possibly motivate people to lie on such a grand scale?”

I now understand that Satan is deliberately skewing things in order to blind us to the testimony of God’s creation. (Psalm 19:1 and Romans 1:20)

In place of the Bible’s testimony, the devil provides us with a pagan version of the cosmos designed to strip us of any belief in God at all. After months of extensive Bible study, I am more convinced than ever that the earth is indeed a stationary plane enclosed in a firmament, just as the Bible says. God seems closer than ever. All I have to do is look up, just like the Bible says. His throne is above the firmament, not some hard to conceive spiritual non-location. The almost universal testimony of non-believers and atheists who come to believe in the Bible’s version of the cosmos is that they can no longer deny God’s existence. Like a turtle on a fence post, the firmament did not get there by itself!

I assure you that I never had a desire to become a “flat earther.”. No one wants to be regarded as a kook or deceived. Here is a humorous short video that captures what I mean.

Google even feels the need to attach a warning to every YouTube video supporting the flat earth position. It is my opinion that they would not do this if this truth did not threaten their global deception scheme. There are lot of other deceptions about which they do not warn us.

Those of us who see this truth realize that we are engaged in a type of battle reminiscent of David versus Goliath. The government controls the media, NASA, and higher education. NASA has a budget of around $60 million per day to develop their computer generated images of “outer space,” satellites, the International Space Station, and Hubble telescope wonders. All we have on our side is a dedicated cadre of YouTubers, Rumblers, and writers. But, with God’s help, that will be enough.

My prayer is that God will lift the shroud of deception off the people of the earth, that once again people will realize that the Bible is absolutely true when it comes to science as well as spiritual matters. May our eyes be opened to the heavenly testimony.

The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Psalm 19:1 (NKJV)
Lies We Will Confront
  • The origin of the cosmos – The Big Bang vs. the Biblical Creation
  • The order of creation – Evolutionary Astrophysics vs. The Six-Days of Creation
  • The dynamics of day and night – The Earth’s Rotation vs. The Sun’s Circuit
  • The origin of plant life – Evolution vs. Creation before the sun
  • The heavenly bodies – Pagan Heliocentric Astrophysics vs. the Sun, moon, and stars in the firmament
  • The rotation of the earth vs. the rotation of the firmament
  • The orbit of the earth vs. the circuit of the sun
  • The dangers of outer space vs. the safety of life under the dome

There is plenty to talk about. I hope you will continue with me.


Pete Beck III ministered as a pastor and Bible teacher in Burlington for over 34 years. He is married to Martha, with whom he has four children, ten beautiful grandchildren, and four amazing great grandchildren. He ministers in his local church as a Bible teacher and counselor. He has published two books - Seeing God's Smile and Promise of the Father - as well as a wide variety of Bible-related articles which he has compiled into books in PDF form.

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