Resources for Those Wishing to Develop a Biblical Cosmology

Here are some resources that I think are very good that should help anyone who is interested in developing a proper biblical cosmology. When we first begin to investigate this subject, since it runs counter to the official government narrative, we encounter the “matrix” and discover that Google, et. al., have installed algorithms to rig internet searches against us, just as during the Covid “pandemic.” Almost every site with good information has a flat earth “warning” attached. Anytime the government thinks it is necessary to warn us away from a site, it is almost proof that we are on the right track. 

I have devoted many hours to finding quality resources, some of which I make available on this page. I plan to update this information as needed. This list includes a link to my private Facebook page – The Biblical Flat Earth Forum, biblical explanations, scientific reasons for believing that the earth is a fixed plane instead of a rotating globe suspended in space, and testimonies of people who have seen the light, so to speak.

Please keep in mind that those of us who adhere to the biblical design of the earth all once believed in the globe. In the journey to our present conviction, we thoroughly investigated this issue and had to deal with all the questions most globe supporters ask. Hopefully what is contained on this page will help anyone who is open to the amazing claim that we live in a world that was designed and created just as the Bible says by the Most High who sits enthroned above the firmament.

If you want a good place to begin, I suggest that you try the Biblical Cosmology Series by Pastor Ray McBerry. It’s long, but quite good. Please watch each video in succession. Don’t cheat and skip ahead.

Caution: Not everyone who ascribes to the "flat earth" model is a follower of Christ or a Bible believer. Almost all end up realizing there has to be a Creator. How could we not, when we see the design of the earth and firmament? However, some don't know who he is. We Christians understand that our Lord Jesus, the eternal logos, created everything. Those who are not adherents of the Bible sometimes end up in strange places. Don't be put off by this. Truth is truth and can be discovered by anyone. We are all on a spiritual journey that hopefully will lead us to Christ. The big difference for us who already know him is that we have a guide, the Holy Spirit, and a map, the Bible. Many of us Bible believing Christians are arriving late to the party, so to speak, when we should have been the ones hosting it! We are people of the Book who should have known all along. Let's make up for lost time.
Private Facebook Pages for Honest Enquirers

Biblical Support

Historical Perspectives



Scientific Evidence







Pilot Testimonies


Mapping the Flat Earth









Space Is Fake Evidence

Go to 5:42 to begin section regarding NASA’s history.


Website: – provides extensive documented evidence of NASA fakery





Recommended YouTube Channels

  • Ditrh
  • Flat Earth, Banjo, USA, Japan and Brazil
  • Flat Earth Reality Explorers
  • Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app
  • Flat Out Hope
  • GeoTruth
  • J. Tolan Media 1
  • Jen Murray
  • Observable Reality
  • Paul on the Plane
  • Sky Free
  • Taboo Conspiracy
  • Vikka Draziv /Truth In Plain Sight
  • Witset Gets It

Recommended Books



Pete Beck III ministered as a pastor and Bible teacher in Burlington for over 34 years. He is married to Martha, with whom he has four children, ten beautiful grandchildren, and four amazing great grandchildren. He ministers in his local church as a Bible teacher and counselor. He has published two books - Seeing God's Smile and Promise of the Father - as well as a wide variety of Bible-related articles which he has compiled into books in PDF form. Currently he is working on a large Bible Teaching Manual.

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