Gospel in a Minute: Get Started Right Away

Gospel in a Minute

The account of Saul’s conversion is an amazing example of Jesus’ sovereign ability to communicate directly with people. Once he became a believer, Saul’s allegiance to his new Lord was unswerving. He launched into the ministry of sharing the gospel immediately.

Afterward he [Saul, later Paul] ate some food and regained his strength. Saul stayed with the believers in Damascus for a few days. 20  And immediately he began preaching about Jesus in the synagogues, saying, “He is indeed the Son of God!” Acts 9:19-20 (NLT) 

Principle: Get Started Right Away

Peter Block wrote an amazing book entitled The Answer to How is Yes. In it he argues that generally people believe there is a “right” way to do things, and until we discover what that is, we should delay taking action.

In other words, we use the excuse of ignorance to avoid doing the brave thing that needs to be done.

The reason we do things is because they ought to be done, not because we have it all figured out. If we make the choice to move forward in the doing, God will help us along the way. This is certainly true with ministry. Yes, studying the Bible is crucial. No, ignorance is not a virtue. Nevertheless, doing nothing is disobedience. Delayed obedience is often pure and simple rebellion.

The night I became a believer in Christ, I began to share the good news with my friends that Jesus is real and can be known. I did not have a very good knowledge of the Bible. I was confused and misguided on some important points, but I did know Jesus and wanted to make him known. God worked with me in my ignorance and zeal. God never suggested that I should delay telling people about Jesus until I knew more theology. In fact those who know the most theology are sometimes the least engaged in evangelism. When Jesus set the demoniac free, he told him to go tell everyone what great things God had done for him. (Mark 5:19-20) He did not have to first take a class.

We should get started right away with sharing the good news. If you have been sitting idle, it is time to get going.

Gospel in a Minute: The Spirit Will Lead Us to People Who Are Ready and Open to Believe the Gospel

Gospel in a Minute

After sharing the gospel with the Samaritans, Philip was led by God’s Spirit in an amazing way.

But an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip saying, "Get up and go south to the road that descends from Jerusalem to Gaza." (This is a desert road.) 27  So he got up and went; and there was an Ethiopian eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure; and he had come to Jerusalem to worship, 28  and he was returning and sitting in his chariot, and was reading the prophet Isaiah. 29  Then the Spirit said to Philip, "Go up and join this chariot." 30  Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, "Do you understand what you are reading?" 31  And he said, "Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?" And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. Acts 8:26-30 (NASB) 

Principle: The Spirit Will Lead Us to People Who Are Ready and Open to Believe the Gospel.

The eunuch was hungering to know more about God and the scriptures. Only the Spirit knew this, and he individually guided the evangelist to him. Philip led this man to receive Christ and baptized him in water on the spot. Luke put this account in Acts to let us know that God’s Spirit is available to guide us in a similar way. The Great Commission is a partnership between us and God. We need the baptism and gifts of the Spirit in order to be as effective as God desires. Our Lord wants us to be able to detect the “still, small voice” of the Spirit as he leads us through the day.

There are people all around us in whom God is working, preparing them to receive and believe the gospel. Are we open to God’s directing and using us as he did Philip?


Holy Spirit, use me as your ambassador of reconciliation. I am ready for you to direct me to those you have prepared to hear the gospel. Help me to be alert to your guidance each day. Grant me boldness, compassion, and courage to be Christ’s witness. Help me to properly articulate the Good News. Amen.

Gospel in a Minute: The Baptism in the Spirit Is Part of the Gospel

Gospel in a Minute

In Acts Chapter 8 Luke recounts how the gospel came through Philip to the Samaritans.

But now the people believed Philip’s message of Good News concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ. As a result, many men and women were baptized. 13  Then Simon himself believed and was baptized. He began following Philip wherever he went, and he was amazed by the signs and great miracles Philip performed. 14  When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that the people of Samaria had accepted God’s message, they sent Peter and John there. 15  As soon as they arrived, they prayed for these new believers to receive the Holy Spirit. 16  The Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them, for they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17  Then Peter and John laid their hands upon these believers, and they received the Holy Spirit. Acts 8:12-17 (NLT) 

Principle: The Baptism in the Spirit Is Part of the Gospel

In the 1970s a group called the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International rightly argued that the baptism in the Spirit is an integral part of the gospel, helping countless people receive this amazing gift. In Acts 2, Peter included it in his initial gospel message (Acts 2:38-39), and here in Acts 8, in the first gospel presentation to a people group other than the Jews, it is once again highlighted.

The baptism in the Spirit is connected to Christ’s glorification at God’s right hand in heaven as Lord of the Harvest. (Acts 2:32-33) Its purpose is to equip and empower God’s people to fulfill the Great Commission. (Acts 1:8)

A “full gospel” presentation should include the following.

  1. A clear presentation of Jesus the crucified Lamb of God who died to forgive our sins.
  2. A proclamation of his Lordship which was proven by his resurrection.
  3. An announcement of his ascension, exaltation in heaven, and the consequent outpouring of the Spirit.
  4. An invitation to receive forgiveness of sins through faith, to declare publicly his lordship through being water baptized, and to receive the baptism of the Spirit and become part of his band of Great Commissionaries.

Gospel in a Minute: Jesus Is the Messiah

Gospel in a Minute

Here Luke encapsulates the gospel in four words spoken by the apostles: “Jesus is the Messiah.”

The apostles left the high council rejoicing that God had counted them worthy to suffer disgrace for the name of Jesus. 42  And every day, in the Temple and from house to house, they continued to teach and preach this message: “Jesus is the Messiah.” Acts 5:41-42 (NLT) 

Principle: Jesus is the Messiah

Modern consumerists have turned the gospel message from Jesus being the messianic King of Kings into his being our personal savior. This is no small thing. A personal savior has no real impact on the larger world. He only saves individuals from their personal sins, rescuing them from damnation and giving them eternal life. For the individual, this is great news, but not necessarily life changing.

The announcement that Jesus is Messiah and Lord over all creation is a game changer. One cannot believe that and continue to live as before.

An encounter with the risen Lord quite naturally produces the desire to become his servant for life.

Gospel in a Minute: The Ascension Is Part of the Gospel

Gospel in a Minute

In Acts Chapter Five, once again the Jewish religious leaders threatened the apostles for preaching the good news about Jesus. In response, Peter delivered a brief summary presentation of the gospel to his persecutors – a bold move.

The God of our ancestors raised Jesus from the dead after you killed him by hanging him on a cross. 31  Then God put him in the place of honor at his right hand as Prince and Savior. He did this so the people of Israel would repent of their sins and be forgiven. 32  We are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit, who is given by God to those who obey him.” Acts 5:30-32 (NLT) 

Principle: The Ascension Is Part of the Gospel

Peter mentioned three reasons for his hearers to repent in their attitude and actions regarding Jesus. He was put to death unjustly. God raised him from the dead, and he is now seated at God’s right hand, reigning as the Prince of Peace over Israel and Lord over all creation. Peter does not directly say that Jesus ascended into heaven, but it is assumed. How else would he have gotten there? The result of his consequent glorification was that he sent his Holy Spirit on Pentecost. The Spirit indwells, empowers, and seals all those who confess Christ as Lord.

It is of foundational importance for us to include Christ’s ascension into heaven and the outpouring of the Spirit in our presentation of the good news.

Gospel in a Minute: Pray for boldness to preach the gospel.

Gospel in a Minute

After being threatened and commanded to keep quiet about Jesus, the disciples met for prayer.

And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. 30  Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” 31  After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:29-31 (NLT) 

Principle: Pray for boldness to preach the gospel.

When we face threats and intimidation, it is time to pray for even more courage and boldness.

Someone once said that there are no “closed” countries, only intimidated disciples. What if those first believers had been shut down? What if they had gone “underground”? We don’t know how the Spirit would have handled that, but thankfully they refused to buckle to pressure. Their boldness eventually cost almost all of them their lives. Jesus knew this would happen, but he called them to be his witnesses nevertheless. He is calling you and me as well. Will we be faithful to this challenge? We can start by praying for boldness to preach the gospel, ask for and receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and then be about it. The world is waiting.

Gospel in a Minute: Preaching the gospel requires great courage.

Gospel in a Minute

The Jewish leaders applied pressure on the apostles to shut down their bold preaching.

“What should we do with these men?” they asked each other. “We can’t deny that they have performed a miraculous sign, and everybody in Jerusalem knows about it. 17  But to keep them from spreading their propaganda any further, we must warn them not to speak to anyone in Jesus’ name again.” 18  So they called the apostles back in and commanded them never again to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. 19  But Peter and John replied, “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? 20  We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:16-20 (NLT) 

Principle: Preaching the gospel requires great courage.

Satan and his allies do everything in their power to keep us from believing the gospel, but once we see and believe that Jesus is the risen Messiah and Lord of Lords, their next attempt is to keep us from telling others the good news. Evil spiritual forces use cooperative people to accomplish their agenda, but our battle is never really with human beings. (Ephesians 6:12)

The gospel is God’s powerful means to liberate the captives held by the kingdom of darkness. (Isaiah 61:1 and Romans 1:16)

Satan cannot nullify the gospel’s power, but he does try to keep it from ever being spoken. He mocks, threatens, and persecutes those who proclaim the glorious good news. (2 Timothy 3:12) It is our responsibility to refuse to cower to this intimidation.

God wants us to be like Peter and John who feared God more than what might be done to them. Like Moses of old, they valued the reward for serving God more than the temporary tranquility that comes from making peace with the devil. (Hebrews 11:24-27) The Spirit of God filled them with boldness and courage.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 (NLT) 

Gospel in a Minute: Jesus is the only way to God.

Gospel in a Minute

Peter capped his brief gospel proclamation with these startling words about Jesus.

"And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:12 (NASB) 

Principle: Jesus is the only way to God.

Modern versions of universalism push the concept that Jesus is one of many ways to God. If this were true, Jesus was terribly misguided. When the disciple named Thomas asked Jesus to show him the way to God…

Jesus *said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. John 14:6 (NASB) 

Jesus taught that he is the only way to God. Peter got the message. If Jesus is not the only way to be saved, then why did he have to die as God’s Lamb on the cross? If he did not have to pay the penalty for our sins, then nothing stands between us and God that needed to be overcome.

If nothing is wrong between us and God, then any path will do and Christianity is a complete lie that misrepresents God. But it is true. Jesus is the only way to God, which the gospel resolutely declares.

For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5 (NLT) 

Gospel in a Minute: Help your hearers understand how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy.

Gospel in a Minute

Peter quoted Psalm 118:22 to explain how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy in order to convince his hearers that he is indeed the promised Messianic Son of David risen from the dead.


Principle: Help your hearers understand how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy.

Jesus had previously quoted this passage in reference to himself.

Jesus *said to them, "Did you never read in the Scriptures, 'THE 
IT IS MARVELOUS IN OUR EYES'? 43  "Therefore I say to you, the 
kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the 
fruit of it. 44  "And he who falls on this stone 
will be broken to pieces; but on whomever it falls, it will scatter him like 
dust." Matthew 21:42-44 (NASB) 

By referencing the Old Testament, Peter and Jesus gave their hearers an opportunity to “connect the dots” and realize Jesus’ identity.

We owe it to our hearers to show how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament scriptures so they too can make the connection and see that Jesus is indeed the Promised Messiah of Israel, the Savior and Lord.

Gospel in a Minute: Be ready to boldly share the gospel when opportunity knocks.

Gospel in a Minute

The religious leaders demanded that Peter explain himself before the council.

The next day the council of all the rulers and elders and teachers of religious law met in Jerusalem. 6  Annas the high priest was there, along with Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and other relatives of the high priest. 7  They brought in the two disciples and demanded, “By what power, or in whose name, have you done this?” 8  Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers and elders of our people, 9  are we being questioned today because we’ve done a good deed for a crippled man? Do you want to know how he was healed? 10  Let me clearly state to all of you and to all the people of Israel that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised from the dead. Acts 4:5-10 (NLT) 

This gave Peter a perfect opportunity to restate succinctly the gospel message.

Principle: Be ready to boldly share the gospel when opportunity knocks.

In his first letter, the apostle Peter encourages all disciples to be ready to share the gospel at any moment.

But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. 15  Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. 16  But do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. 1 Peter 3:14-16 (NLT) 

Obviously he wrote this passage with reference to the incident in Acts 4. Peter told the leaders what they did not want to hear, but what they needed to know. The realization that it was in the council’s power to harm them did not intimidate them into silence.

People take note when disciples show the courage of their convictions. We should be ready to boldly share the gospel when opportunity knocks.

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