Brief snapshots of gospel truth that will help us better understand and share the Good News.
From Acts 2
- Listen Up, Everyone!
- Be uninhibited in expressing the joy of the Lord.
- Use the activity of the Holy Spirit as a springboard.
- Tell people that Jesus is our only hope at the Last Judgment
- God is a real person who can and will respond to us.
- Healings and Miracles Testify to the Truth of the Gospel
- Jesus’ Crucifixion Is God’s Plan to Save the World
- The Gospel Provides Forgiveness for the Ultimate Betrayal
- Jesus’ Resurrection Conquered Death
- Jesus’ Resurrection Fulfilled Prophecy
- Christ’s Exaltation and the Outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost Are Part of the Gospel Message
- The Core Gospel Declaration Is the Lordship of Jesus the Messiah
- Give clear instructions to those who respond.
- The Gospel Is Our Only Hope During Times of Judgment
From Acts 3
- Divine healing opens the door for the gospel.
- The gospel calls people to declare allegiance to Jesus the Messiah.
- The Jesus who forgives sin is the same One who heals.
- Sharing the gospel strips away people’s excuses.
- The gospel promises salvation for the entire creation, not just individuals.
- The gospel is a gem set in the context of God’s history with Israel.
- Jesus is God’s plan to bless the entire earth!
- Repentance – gateway into God’s blessings or death to fun?
From Acts 4
- Gospel proclamations upset some people while saving others.
- Be ready to boldly share the gospel when opportunity knocks.
- Help your hearers understand how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy.
- Jesus is the only way to God.
- Preaching the gospel requires great courage.
- Pray for boldness to preach the gospel.
From Acts 5
From Acts 8
- The Baptism in the Spirit Is Part of the Gospel
- The Spirit Will Lead Us to People Who Are Ready and Open to Believe the Gospel
From Acts 9
From Acts 10
- The Prince of Peace Is Lord of All
- Jesus’ Ministry Revealed His Messianic Identity
- Jesus Rose Bodily from the Dead
- Preach the Coming Judgment
- Preach the Forgiveness of Sins
- Expect the Holy Spirit to Draw People to Christ
- Water Baptism and the Baptism in the Spirit Are Distinct
From Acts 13
- Frame the Gospel within the History of Israel
- The Gospel Is a Spoken Message that Demands a Response
- The Gospel Shows How the Old Testament Points to Jesus
- The Gospel Offers Forgiveness and Reconciliation to God
- The Gospel Includes a Warning
- Rejecting the Gospel Is an Act of Self-Condemnation
- The Gospel Was Always Intended for the Entire World
- God’s Chosen Ones Will Believe the Gospel
From Acts 14
- The Gospel Causes Division
- Take the Risk of Following the Holy Spirit
- Carefully Present the Gospel Truth about God as Revealed through Christ
From Acts 16
From Acts 17
- Be Reasonable
- Look for Open Minded People
- Go Where People Gather
- Beware of Those Who Merely Want to Debate
- Find Common Ground
- Be Able to Quickly Summarize the Gospel
- Be Glad for a Hot or Cold Response to the Gospel
From Acts 22
- How to Share Our Testimony