Welcome to my site! It contains a wide variety of articles relating to life, the gospel, the Great Commission, discipleship, and other important topics including summaries of recommended books. You will also find links to books I have written or am in the process of creating. I hope this content blesses and strengthens your discipleship journey with the Lord Jesus.

You may be wondering why I call this site “Third Peter.” I am the third in a long line of Pete Becks, going back to my grandfather and extending to my grandson. While my father was alive, It was always necessary to label me “the third” to keep me separate from him, and now there are an additional two; hence, the website name.

After pastoring in Burlington for 34 years, in 2023 I stepped down from being the lead person. I continue to teach, write, counsel, and do what I can to support my local church and the body of Christ at large.

God has blessed my wife, Martha, and me with four exceptional children, ten amazing grands, and four great-grandchildren. We reside in Burlington, NC.

Pete Beck III

Bible Teacher and Author

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